Search results

  1. chris11

    University mentor

    Hey. So, I have sort of just gotten a mentor of sorts this semester. Anyways, the person teaches one of my classes. I made a ridicolous error on todays quiz. Usually, I screw up on the first quiz of the semmester since I've had some time away from such things, and exposure needs to be more or...
  2. chris11

    Puzzle's to distract you!

    Hey, one of the things that I do when I'm anxious is try to distract myself by playing with some puzzles, either of my own design, or someone else's. Here are a few: 1. Take an 8x8 chess board, cut off 2 oposing corners. Is it possible to tile the resultant board using 2x1 dominos? If this is...
  3. chris11

    Does the following make me an amoral perosn?

    Hey. I'm a university student who generally gets straight As. However, I've been so busy with things that I've barly studied for my 2 upcoming midterms, and haven't started an assignment that's due on Friday. My father's bestfriend died of brain cancer, and while he was dying (over the weekend)...
  4. chris11

    How do you meet people?

    Hey, I am, like most people on this website, largly a solitary creature. While I'm attending university, I try to converse with others, but I haven't really made any friends. Now, I'm on my summer break, and discovering that being alone is quite depressing at times. Thus, I ask the following...
  5. chris11

    If you don't like mathematics, why?

    Hey, I was just wondering why some people detest mathematics as much as they do. I personally love it. My suspecsion is that most people have a very poor idea of what mathematics is.
  6. chris11


    Hey, I've been on mirtazipine for about 3 months now. I was placed on it for insomnia. It has been working well for my sleep, however, I find that I have very little energy durring the day, in addition to a difficulty in concentration. So, what I was wondering was whether or not any of you, who...
  7. chris11

    How to tell someone about your anxiety

    Hello. So I was just wondering how one would go about confining to someone that they have an anxiety disorder. Obviously it wouldn't be appropiate to just give the person the information at any given time; it must be done in an appropiate setting. So, post your ideas....
  8. chris11

    Warm up puzzles

    Hey guys, I just thought that it would be nice for us to compile a list of warm up puzzles/problems. The purpose of warm up problems is to get you in the mind set for attacking more sophisticated problems/puzzles (ie, focus). These puzzles should be mathematical in nature. They should also be...
  9. chris11


    I do not believe that people should drive at all. Of course, I do not think that there are no advantages of driving, however, most people could get by without. Here are some reasons. 1. Driving is an enviromental hazard 2. Driving places yourself at risk 3. Driving places others at risk 4...
  10. chris11

    Best academic subjects for people with SP.

    Hey, I just thought that it would be interesting to see which jobs people think would really suit people who have anxiety, be it SP or something else--and why they think that they would suit such an individual. Here are mine. 1. Mathematician While it is often extreemly useful to talk about a...
  11. chris11


    What I find very annoying and artificially embarasing at the same time is this: suppose that I am in public and I stop to think about something. Then, someone notices that I'm looking them--unintentionaly and consiously-- and that I'm apparently staring at their clevage! I was not doing that, at...
  12. chris11

    Ambigious, funny, regretfully true sentence

    Some psychiatrists help torture victums
  13. chris11

    Does anyone ever get obsessions for specific words.

    Hi, so I was wondering if anyone on this fourm ever obsesses over specific words. By obssess, I do not mean anything clinical, just some some ineffable desire to use it and some ineffable pleasure when you do. For instance, I have been obsessing over the word hat--especially when it is written...
  14. chris11

    Saying Obnoxious Things

    Hey, I was just wondering if anyone on this website ocassionaly does anything similar to what I just did: said something really offensive without realizing it. What happened was that my father had just gotten married with someone who has been living in our home for a few years. Anyways, she...
  15. chris11

    Are you lonely?

    Many people with SA, or with similar tendencies, live lonely lifestyles. My question is how many? Personaly, I am a lonley person, which is odd given that I don't really have an enormous desire to be around people. What about you?
  16. chris11

    What do you value?

    Out of curiousity, I was wondering which human quality that you value the most. Mine is creativity.
  17. chris11

    Do you have any 'special' talents that you pursue?

    Hey. So, do you have any special talents that you actauly persue? It's not enough to just be talented at some particuar domain, but you have to actually devolop your talent. Me? While, people used to think that I was gifted at music and math, but now I no longer really pursue music--even though...
  18. chris11

    Do you like math?

    Please answer the survey.
  19. chris11

    Bring puzzles with you everywhere

    Hi, a good coping technique for anxiety is to bring a puzzle with you whereever you go. The puzzle could be something small like a rubiks cube or a digital sudoku or something, just as long as you can carry it with you. When you feel an anxiety spell coming on, start solving--imeditly. puzzles...
  20. chris11

    Steps to improvement

    1. See a therapist and do absolutely everything they ask you to do. 2. Take antidepressents if they are suggusted to you (they enabled me to function). 3. Pursue your primary interest (mine is and was mathematics). 4. If you're intrested in mathematics, go to your school's math center and work...