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  1. chris11

    Death of a cat.

    About four months ago, I was in my dimly lit basement, where my cat usually loiters around, taking in the shade. We had known for about 1 month that she had some kind of tumor, and just the night before, she had defacated on my parent's bed. As I wachter her, worrying that she was in some kind...
  2. chris11

    This video will change your life

    If you are a human being, then it is your duty to watch the following video: It will change your perspective on everything.
  3. chris11

    Sleeping pills

    So, I wasn't able to sleep durring final exams at all. On top of that, my cat died, and I haven't been able to sleep well due to that. So, 1. my sleep schedule is completely screwed and 2. I simply can't fall asleep. Do you think that a doctor would prescribe me sleeping pills if I went in?
  4. chris11

    Academics with Anxiety Disorder

    Hell. I was wondering if you knew of any successful academics who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
  5. chris11

    Horrible Movies

    What is your favorite horrible movie. Note, that you don't have to have actually suffered through it all, but that would be prefered. Mine is: SANTA'S SLAY
  6. chris11

    Probability of Getting Alzheimers.

    Hello. So, my grandfather, on my mother's side, had alzheimers and died from it. Now, no one, that we know, on my father's side had alzheimers. Now, I found online that the likly hood of someone having alzheimer's (the gene FAD) given that one of their partents had it is 1/2. So, my mom has it...
  7. chris11

    Sleeping pills

    Hey. Do you think that a doctor would prescribe sleeping pills to a stressed out student durring finals?
  8. chris11

    How much socialization do you need?

    Hey guys. I was wondering. How much do you usually spend in a given week socializing with others. By socializing, I mean chewing the cud.
  9. chris11


    As ridiculous as this may sound, here it is. The people at my university think that, for one reason or anouther, that I'm ' ****ing brilliant (their words).' Of course, I disagree with their inturpertation as I know that I am no where near as talented as the people who are actually getting...
  10. chris11

    Self Loathing

    Without killing yourself, which obviously allways seems like an option, how do you deal with self hatred. Especially when you have next to no one that you can talk to about personal matters.
  11. chris11


    I'm just curious about this. I was wondering what personality traits the parents of people with social anxiety typically have, and also, how much a child (adult w/e) with social anxiety typically idenitifies with their parents. In my case, my Father's thoughts are almost entirely based upon...
  12. chris11

    Anyone want to chat?

    Instant message me
  13. chris11

    Incredible Song

    Search Babu Yetu. It has to be the most beautiful song produced in the last decade.
  14. chris11

    What would make you happy?

    I don't mean superficial happiness, that efemeral drug. I mean Genuine, long lasting, honest to goodness happiness. An overall sense that life is worth living, that getting up in the mourning isn't a waste of time. THat you wasted your day if you slept in until noon, that feeling that you...
  15. chris11

    Post your least favorite part of English Gramer.

    Mine is that (blah blah blah blah blah blah (blah blah blah) is the correct form, rather than (blah blah blah blah blah blah (blah blah blah)). I want my language to be as uniform as possible. This parenthesis should corrospond to this piece of my writing. The point of gramer (and yes I know I...
  16. chris11

    Tempoary life as a Peon

    Hey. In order to help pay for graduate school, living and such, I decided to get a job working at a local grocery store. My work mostly involves cleaning up the cutting room in the meat department, which is rather disgusting, but is better than working out front. I'm currently being paid minimum...
  17. chris11

    Well I messed up!

    On a physics test, I said micro was 10^-8 for virtually all of the quesitons. THis means that I'm going to loose, easilly, 1/3 of the marks from each question. Honestly. I'm confident that I didn't make any other significant errors than that, but this is a major fail.
  18. chris11

    How are people happy?

    How can people be happy? I simply can not understand it.
  19. chris11

    Anouther Dating Discussion

    Hey there. I, like many of you, have never dated. Of course, I think that a romantic relationship is something that would be worth having--it's part of the human experiance that we will have been impoverished not to have had at some point in our lives. But, honestly, what are we supposed to do...
  20. chris11

    Constructing a Self

    Hey guys. 'Building' a self idenity, if at all possible, is a difficult task to beggin with. After having severe anxiety and depression, the task becomes even worse. Indeed, I came to the realization that I had to discard virtually all of the thoughts that I had about myself over the previous...