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  1. Arthur_Dent

    Which book would you memorize to save it from the fireman?

    I'm assuming that you have read Fahrenheit 451, if you haven't go and read it right away. Despite how much I would love to save the Hitchhiker's series, or any book from Anthony Beevor, I'll choose Aldous Huxley's Ends and Means. So wich one would you choose?
  2. Arthur_Dent

    My lack of privacy & see you in two months

    First, I must say that the fact of this forum being of public access freaks me out. I think that some forums (like this one or the pictures one) should be in some "members only" area. Anyway, I still feel that despite that I have to say what I'm gonna say, so here it is: :rolleyes: Let's start...
  3. Arthur_Dent

    Happy Towel Day earthlings!

    Enjoy it with a nice cup of tea or a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, whatever fits you best. Just try to not stay in any planet about to be blown up. Damn Vogons. YouTube - ‪Towel Day 2011 Promo‬‏
  4. Arthur_Dent

    What do women think about dateless kissless (and obviously virgin) men?

    Why I didn't ask in the yet posted thread? Well, I did, and my question fell miserably into obscurity. So at the end of the day most women will be undertsanding or won't even care too much if the man is virgin (at least 'till certain age). So my question is, well ,the thread title, what do...
  5. Arthur_Dent

    Iberoamericanos ¡Quierlo oírlos!

    A ver gente, sé que no estoy solo. Y he leído por ahí que tiene más de un pero. Por lo que sé en este foro no hay límite diario de mensajes y los administradores son razonables. El hecho es que siendo tanta gente, me extraña que no tengamos un subforo regional. Algo curioso...
  6. Arthur_Dent

    Arthur Dent's music

    Ok. I'm feeling like posting here the music that I like. Nothing against the other music threads, just that I wanted to make this one more personal. You may discover a song, a band or a genre you'll end up loving, or just the name of that song you heard so many times but never knew its title...
  7. Arthur_Dent

    What to do when you can't even get your SAD diagnosed

    First, I tried to post this yesterday but for some reason didn't appeared around today, so I asume that there was some server malfunction as there was no mods notification of a deleted thread, but if that was the case, sorry for do it again, I just wanted to be sure. Now lets get to the post: I...
  8. Arthur_Dent

    Is love-shynes just a form or another condition? Why yes? Why no?

    So, this is my first real post... From what I've read here and some other places, comes around the debate if love-shyness it's a condition by itself or just a form af another condition (SAD AvPD, Asperger's...). I don't think that we should focus in the mistakes of Brian Gilmartin (the proposer...
  9. Arthur_Dent

    And here I go....

    Hi people. I'm not sure if I have SAD, I can't afford a diagnose, but In every internet test I've made (yes, I know, not much accuracy there) the result is the same: "you're very likely to have it, you should go to get it diagnosed by a doctor", same results with Asperger's tests. But a thing...