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  1. Moses199

    Sometimes i think being a black male is worst for social anxiety

    I'm 6'3 black (african) male. I think social anxiety is worst if you're black because when i walk behind people or near their car it always makes my SA worst. Like i think they are thinking i'm about to rob them or something lol, and most people do stare at me fearfully. Also, my SA is bad in...
  2. Moses199

    Why isn't exposure working for me?

    I have this issue with making body movements because i fear my neighbors will make a sound at same exact time as i move. Here is thread i made that will give you more info about it -> Basically, what has...
  3. Moses199

    Are you scared of your neighbors making sounds?

    I have this problem that's killing me. I'm afraid to make body movement because i feel like my neighbors will at the exact same time as me make a sound like clank the dishes, accidentally hit the wall or some sound if i move my body. For example, i get scared to stand up from my chair because i...
  4. Moses199

    Do you think Relaxtion techiques are enough to beat Social Anxiety?

    I used to do relaxation techniques to get calmer around people. After a while thhey stopped working..I kinda feel like i got used/immune to to them:confused:
  5. Moses199

    Best technique or treatment you used to that lowered your SA?

    I havn't used any drugs treatments, nor will i ever. But i have used some relaxation techniques on the web, that have help me reduce panic attacks during social situations. First technique i ever used was one created by this guy named Charles Linden, which shows you how you can lower your fear...
  6. Moses199

    NBA playoffs! Heats or mavericks? you decide

    AM going with the heats, but apperently "King James" is a ball hog that averages 7 ASSISTS A GAME. No one can guard James and the Mavs 2-3 Zone won't work against them, they have too many good shooters. Nowitzki won't be able to do it all by himself. The Heat are too good of defenders.