Racing Thoughts - Bipolar?


Well-known member
I've had this unexplainable (up until a little while ago) abnormal thought process that occurs abruptly probably 1-2 times a month for the past 2-3 years or so. I hadn't labeled it as just racing thoughts, myself, because it feels like a lot more than that to me when it happens. My thoughts are racing definitely, but they're also reallyyyyy loud and in a very urgent/irritated voice (my own? I'm not completely sure). Not only that, it happens out of no where. Usually when I'm feeling more productive, actually. And to be productive I have to be not in a depressed state, so it's not as though I'm feeling extremely bad or anything when it happens. A short time ago my only close, and close as it could be, friend let me know cautiously that the racing thoughts could be, and is a common symptom, of Bi Polar Disorder. We're really open about talking about things like that and I guess a couple of my other characteristics he has caught onto over time has led him to think that it's possible (not for certain, of course) that I might be suffering from this. It would explain a lotttttt, but at the same time it would definitely be a scary diagnosis.

I've researched it further and quite a bit of it fits. From what I gather I would have a milder version with hypomania episodes. In this, the racing thoughts take place. What is really weird about it though is that hypomania is also characterized by optimism and productivity. Which on it's own is great of course, but with the racing thoughts that come in and the cycling between that and depressive episodes is very unhealthy. Irritability, suicidal ideation, anxiety, paranoia, restlessness, and self loathing would sum up my depressive episodes.

I never have thought anything of my depressive episodes on their own other than it just being.. well... depression. And I wasn't able to make anything of my racing/loud/urgent thoughts that sometimes take over, not to mention that while it happens I'm in good spirits otherwise. I realize that Bipolar Disorder can be very serious if not treated, and it seems that I have enough reason to be at least a bit worried. I'd like to know if anyone else has Bipolar Disorder and how is it for you? How did you find out and finally be diagnosed?

And lastly, should I seek a professional's opinion on this? I'm sort of really hesitant about it to be honest.


Staff member
And lastly, should I seek a professional's opinion on this? I'm sort of really hesitant about it to be honest.

As soon as possible, no one here could diagnose you, we could say it sounds like this or that but from what you describe it sounds best to leave in the hands of a professional. There is alot of help for bi-polar if it is that, so best see a GP and get a refferal, I find it best to write down all your symptoms so you dont forget while you are chatting to your doc


Well-known member
yes you should go see your GP as soon as possible and as remus said there is plenty of help out there if it is bi-polar


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies! I think maybe I don't see it as bad as it is. Before researching it more, I never once thought that I might be Bipolar. I just don't want to have to deal with different medications and doses and all that. Plus, I don't like the idea of having to be on some meds just to be normal feeling-wise. Also, there's many cases where (in a diagnosis of anything) a person can have all the symptoms of something and not actually have it. But it's for the best, really, I suppose. And thanks for the tip about writing down all my symptoms too! I always forget something with doctors.


Well-known member
I have been suspecting I'm a little bipolar, but not really diagnosable. It's a mild form of cyclothymia with rapid cycles, maybe. Why? Because I have noticed that I can feel very depressed, and after days, hours or even just minutes I can be the exact opposite. When I'm feeling depressed I have lots of negative thoughts and feel like crying, and when I'm feeling excessively good I have lots of ideas, I feel creative and I'm very optimistic, or euphoric.

But in my case I don't think it's a problem. The only problem is the depression cycles, which I'm learning to control. There are triggers that start the cycles, and I can recognize most of them now. I have read that being a little bipolar is not a really a problem, and it's often a characteristic of very creative people or people with a creative imagination.


GPs will just send you to a psychiatrist. GP's usually suck at diagnosing mental illnesses(as all mine have). A psychiatrist or psychologist can get the job done and diagnose you.


Well-known member
GPs will just send you to a psychiatrist. GP's usually suck at diagnosing mental illnesses(as all mine have). A psychiatrist or psychologist can get the job done and diagnose you.

Not always true though, my GP did an excellent job of diagnosing and treating my Bipolar disorder and my social phobia. I highly doubt a psychologist/psychiatrist could do a better job, to be honest.

Doesn't really matter what type of doctor you see though, just see one as soon as you can, don't let the uncertainty hang over you.


Well-known member
I've only had counseling twice and although they were nice people and meant well, it didn't really, really help me. There are no psychologists or psychiatrists that work in my town, but it is possible that one could be called in from Vancouver or something. I just don't know if it's worth all the trouble. Plus, I feel weird complaining to someone I hardly know about my problems.


Well-known member
Not always true though, my GP did an excellent job of diagnosing and treating my Bipolar disorder and my social phobia. I highly doubt a psychologist/psychiatrist could do a better job, to be honest.

Doesn't really matter what type of doctor you see though, just see one as soon as you can, don't let the uncertainty hang over you.

Thank you. How was your Bipolar finally diagnosed? Do you feel stable now? At least, considerably?


Well-known member
Thank you. How was your Bipolar finally diagnosed? Do you feel stable now? At least, considerably?

I noticed that I was having swings into suicidal depression, and then they would randomly go away, and I felt okay, and then I would feel great, and then I wanted to kill myself again. I spent years of my life trying to understand what was wrong with me, because the emotional problem were not connected to any environmental circumstances.

I went to my doctor and talked to him about it for a while. He gave me some tests, and diagnosed me after looking over my past medical records (I had complained of insomnia and other things that turned out to be related, earlier.)
He prescribed to me, eventually, 2 medications to take at night, and for a about a year now, I feel better than I ever have, I am more stable that I thought possible.
And now that I finally caved and accepted medication for my Social Phobia, I feel impossibly good.