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  • Awww, he looks very handsome!

    It went well, although now things, at this moment, are kind of sucking and I'm sort of second guessing some decisions that I've made. I'm sure it will smooth out though hopefully! It is nice to take a break from things, I'd recommend it!
    I've been better myself, but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes! (cute pup, btw!) And yep, I was off for a little while figuring some things out in lyyyyfe.
    "I suppose this should be a tad embarrassing but it's not. You're simply adorable, felt I should tell you.

    Ta ta."

    cheers krista:) so are you :D
    You don't have a boyfriend now? What happened?
    I can relate to how your feeling, when my and my ex split up it didn't hit me for a few days, then i was just a mess.. I'm not good at break ups, if you EVER need to vent or just talk you can always PM me..
    You have to remember your an amazing person and life is just chucking sh1t at you, don't break.x
    What's up hun, anything you wana talk about?
    But i agree, what you say is spot on.. Some people are just kunts!
    no problem. you know before i got SA i was brill with people and i was a really good listener. on this site i feel someway like my old self. u ever need to chat , dont hesitate to send me a pm !!!!
    personal question = do u suffer from despression much ?? thats what could be causing the nightmares or possibly, medication ?
    its nearly half 12 here, lol. im actually happy i was awakened earlier. i need to get my days and nights sorted out. im kinda sick of liven like a vampire. your hardly gonna stay up now ?? i hate nightmares, they can be so realistic. would u get nightmares regulary?
    dam krista, get ur ass back to bed, lol. 6 in the morning !!! ur mad :) im ok, feel wrecked, i only got like 4 hours sleep then me ould fella woke me up :mad: i aint to jolly in the morning. lol. what the hell u doin up so early :confused:
    morning krista, everything ok ?? i seen ur post in the ( how ya feeling thread) btw do u ever sleep. lmao
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