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  • Hi - well that sounds very similar me during foundation. I even used to drive there, sign the register, and come home sometimes!...and that was pretty much what I did at uni too. Anyway - not long to go before you're free! I understand what you mean about less stressful (re: english degree).... at least all your peers can't read your essays - you don't feel under so much scrutiny do you. Plus it's much more prescribed since you get an essay title... you can just feel so lost when you have to come up with art under pressure.:eek:
    Hi! thanks for your message. Oh no, not my work - just a pic I liked and nicked... probably get sued! :D I suppose it was a bit SA related - in that I'm way too self conscious of my work/and have zero confidence! My attention is always on how good everyone elses work is. You must be almost finished on the foundation? Have you already applied for courses yet? I went to LJM...briefly!
    I'm very impressed by your artwork - you are exceptional! So are you/did you study Fine Art? I did briefly - but packed it in - I regret it sometimes.
    I just read your post on the panic attack. Are you on any meds from the doctor? I was prescribed beta blockers to take when my anxiety gets bad and from experience they will mellow you out a bit. You will still feel nervous but the physical symptoms won't be as bad and that in turn might calm you.
    hello :)
    i hope you are well.
    i wanted to say that i can relate to what you said about being worried about people thinking you are autistic in social sitations, i have a.d.d and dyslexia so i feel out of place pretty much all of the time.
    sort of feel like a waste of space.
    anyway yeah, just wanted to say that a lot of what you said made sense to me. :)
    lol yep. I'm not too bad thanks rachie baby. Trying to make connections with people and seemingly failing :| I even opened a facebook which I vowed i'd never do, heh. I guess it's there to keep in touch with anyone. How have you been? On your hols yet?
    yeah i'm actually feeling a lot better right now which is good. i guessed you were from London cause it seems 90% of the english live there.
    Lol i'll try and free my mind mannn. No actually I had an appointment with the councilor today, though I don't know when i'll get down to the centre of jobs. It's a long walk but I guess it's the fear of the unknown, and them putting pressure on me. I feel lethargic at the same time :| On the other hand my parents are having a go about getting a job and uni so I feel trapped. I'm confused about what you're studying at uni lol. For me when I wasn't enjoying the course I finally found the courage to leave, albeit a bit late in the day. :/
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