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  • Good good. and It's fine I suppose! I'm on school holidays thought right now for a whole week (woooop). and class as in what year I'm in? I'm in year 10 :) how about you? do you go to uni or college?
    oh so sorry for the late reply, i'm studying mech. engineering (go figure) lol good to see you've got supportive parents, are they supportive just for academics or they actually acknowledge your SA too? cuz in my family it's seen as a "phase" that we grow out of, i hope to get over this phase quick if that's the case lol
    Hi, sry it took so long to answer you. I logged out and didn't realy want to talk. I'm a bit better now than I was. How are you today?
    Hey, yeah im leaving soon. Im waiting to be banned. It was nice to know u for a short while, take care!
    oh good good, let me guess since you're indian your parents wanted you to study engineering/medicine something like that right, i've considered minoring in phsycology for obvious reasons, but my major is already to so overwhelming i can't imagine doing any kind of minor to go with it :/
    went to the party, for some reason it wasn't too bad, i was chatting/talking with people about just random stuff, and when i wasn't talking, i was playign video games to cover up my awkwardness, so escaped tat one without seeming wierd...and currently i'm a student, trying to finish school so i can at least get a job/own place and hopefully at the job i'll start opening up, though im trying to now too :p, how bout you?
    yeah, they definitely are....but well might as well go and try to get myself comfortable in these situations, rather than staying home and thinking "what if..." like i usually do :)
    Work is great, my contract is renewed ^__^ But still dealing with being anxious ofcourse. Luckely it's not always hard to interact with people there, since i can get along with some of them very well:) And how is school??
    Yeah! I want to be an English and Russian translator, but I think it's pretty hard to achieve that (at least on the Russian part). But well, I guess it's just a question of working hard :)
    Fine, thanks :) Especially these months, when I am doing few lectures and most of them are interesting - especially Russian literature ^^
    well im..........anxious LOL which is why i'm in my room doing some homework and dreading a halloween party :/
    thanks for the add, i'm from pakistan myself, good to see i'm not the only middle eastern with SA, hope your well
    Same with me. Anyway, I'm glad you know now about your SA and not later, cause the sooner you know about it, the sooner you can overcome it (or so I think). By the way, have you turned 18 yet? And do you like your lectures in university?
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