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  • ja, samma här. jag trivs men det är rätt tråkigt i gävle men jag vet att jag aldrig skulle klara mig i en storstad och jag är för feg för att flytta ifrån allt och börja om från början :p
    du kollar inte på the vampire diaries då? finns några nya avsnitt ute nu :)
    ah okej, trivs du där? jag bor i Gävle :p
    ja, jag har känt likadant mest hela dagen/kvällen. hade hoppats på någon bra film på tv men icke. vart bor du nånstans? b:
    nej, det verkar ganska sällsynt haha. det är bra med mig, lite trött och så bara :) hur äre med dig?
    haha ancient, still Iceland is probably the youngest county in Europe,, but I get you point :D
    well I don't think Icelandic is that special probably cause it's my native one :)
    Yes I can read and understand norwegian, danish and it's little bit of swedish, but Im not really good at speaking it or writing it tho probably from the fact that I dont have to use it that much as with english
    hmm sounds great I was supposed to be taking a few language courses in this semester like german and Norwegian but no room for that :(
    but Im finishing the mechanic and hopefully I'll able to start engineering next year if I finish the mechanic this year of course :)
    Thank you very much,, not that nervous of getting to be around ppl, more like now I have to be ambitious haha :D
    yeapp lucky you :) I haven't been to school for 3 years now haha and I look forward to start but also a little anxiety too, but I don't have to start until 13 jan because the timetable or schedule is a mess haha
    hehe I think that applies to most if not all the Scandinavian countries haha :D
    Im great thank you :) just trying to find something else to do beside thinking about school :p
    You want us to get married and ride off in the sunset? My, you move fast, don't you;)? I don't mind a relationship that's progresses quick. *kisses you* I hope that wasn't too fast, my princess::eek::.
    Yeah, maybe. You can rest your head on me while I tell you facts about each landmark, while playing with your hair and planting soft kisses on you;).
    Not as perfect as you;). I was thinking we could go to the Louvre first and then visit the rest of the landmarks there. Fortunately, my French teacher taught me them and even gave me a map:D! Are there any places you would like to visit?
    Thank you; I really appreciate your comment:) I was honestly worried that everyone was going to tell me that I was being silly or over-thinking it or something. I am glad that you think about and question these sorts of things too.
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