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  • I eat loads and its all junk too yet i never gain any weight
    i work out like twice a week for a few hours so its not like im burning it off
    i dont eat much greasy food though or fizzy pop normally its just sweets
    i avoid greasy food because its bad for the skin and fizzy pop because it does so much damage to ur teeth.. but sweets yummm lol
    good night hun
    not really i think the problem is ive eaten too much
    i had a chicken sandwich then a snowball choc thing then a creme egg then some stawberry milkshake then a chocolate milkshake and then a small bowl of cheesecake

    lol now i read that back i think i know why i have tummy ache lol
    i love my food lol !!!
    I know its so unfair. thats why sometimes i dont know what to believe, how could god inflict us with this pain while scum are out there mental health free.
    yeah its like these murderers and pedos n stuff dont have mental health problems, no conscience or anything.. if there is a lord why doesnt he punish the people who deserve to be punished.. not us!!
    yeah life is hard, i wonder what i did so wrong to be dealt this hand, but there is nothing i can do but get on with it
    but i can relate to how your feeling because im there most of the time myself.
    if you ever need to talk im here for you :]
    hehe thanks ive been trying but im not very good!
    i hope you start feeling better soon hun
    i have the rough days too and they aint nice (hugs)
    Flickr: kirsty45's Photostream more pics these people live in those boats
    well my hangover is gone you will be glad to know :) and now im going biking along the seafront see yaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D i have no idea why im telling you this , but iv written it now so i might as well post it , oh wait i havent got a stamp :confused: oh hang on you dont need a stamp to post on here :rolleyes:
    Ya get me isn't quite as bad as "is it" >.< It's just when people use it like every other sentence it sounds silly,like any other saying
    Yeah you know I hated "is it",so when he takes the piss out of that girl in the song,yup it reminded me of you :p It is such a horrible saying which makes no sense,but people think it makes them sound cool >.<
    :eek: why pink i really have no idea what you mean :) angelic wings flutter ;)
    YouTube - dan le sac VS scroobius pip "Thou Shalt always Kill"

    lol this song reminds me a bit of you,cos of the bit at the end lmao.. "is it.." *cringes*
    "If i won the Lottery i'd honesty give a lot of it to charity, specifically animal charities. I'd also spoil my mum rotten, she deserves it after putting up with me for this long and the rest...well i guess i'll just spoil myself lol"

    i was trying to muliquot that paula:confused:
    but mums are great :):):)
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