Recent content by Peony

  1. P

    Moving to tropical climate.

    I am moving to Western Australia. The weather is either hot and dry or hot and humid. We arrive next month which is the height of the wet season. I have generalised hh. Which isn't really bad. But if I'm standing in a queue or nervous, exercise etc, I sweat mainly from head, back and groin. I'm...
  2. P

    Glycopyrronium bromide uk free prescription.

    Yaaaay! My super awesome dr who is so sympathetic with my condition has just prescribed me these babies 2mg on nhs and as I'm Scottish I get free prescriptions!!! May be worth you guys checking. There was a little bit confusion as it seemed to be blocked for her to order but she did it and I got...
  3. P

    If you could change where you sweated, where would it go?

    And you don't have the option of nowhere!!! If you could migrate your sweating somewhere else on your body, where would it be and why? Reason being is I have generalised hh. So my hands and feet are bone dry. Everywhere else isn't. And I often think If I didn't get a sweaty face or neck it...
  4. P

    What kind of personality do you have?

    I was always a very worried and anxious child. I bit my nails. I am still very much the same. I worry about everything. I panic a lot, get frights, anxious. I just wonder if this is sometimes the cause of my hh? And I wonder if anyone else that suffers hh have this personality? Are any of you...
  5. P

    Taking glyco/pro banthine/meds in hot humid weather?

    Do any of you guys take glyco or similar meds and live in warmer conditions? I live in dreary, wet, cold uk, but im going travelling next year to several hot countries and I'm panicking. I'm obviously taking avert, but worried about over heating etc... Where I live, the hottest day would be 30...
  6. P

    When DON'T you sweat?

    Whenever dr or people ask when I sweat I always wrack my brain trying to think of specific times or reasons for it to come on. I can never pinpoint exact times. But I'm interested to hear when everyone else doesn't sweat? Also what kind of HH they have!? I'm primary generalised. I sweat from...
  7. P

    Food intolerance test

    So yesterday, I went for a food intolerance test, I know I've commented on here a couple of times about food etc and no ones really posted back; but I am convinced there's a link.. Anyway, I am totally and utterly addicted to ketchup. I eat it with everything including Chinese food, pasta, spag...
  8. P

    Avert no dry? Lucozade?

    Hey. I took 2mg avert for the first time in 3 years today. Last time I only took 1.5 mg and my throat was in so much pain and my hands felt like they were going to pop. I recently tried propantheline which had the same effect; but today on 2mg avert (I took on empty stomach, over 3 hours ago)...
  9. P


    Has anyone tried this? I have tried acupuncture, didnt work a bit... but was wondering about hypnotherapy and if anyone had any luck?? :confused:
  10. P


    Hey, I wonder if anyone had heard about the infection Candida? There are some websites that claim going on the Anti-Candida diet will cure you of hyperhidrosis....It basically consists of all veg, all meat (not pig), whole wheat... NO sugar or sweetners, NO artificial chemicals/preservatives...
  11. P

    Iontophoresis for generalised hyperhidrosis?

    This may be a stupid question, but can iontophoresis be used for generalised or is it really only for hands and feet? I actually had never heard of it before. By unfortunately my hand and feet are dry!! It's the rest that's not!! I don't suppose you can dip your back in the trays?! :} I read...
  12. P

    Generalised hh

    Hey! Ive never posted before, but I've read a few posts. This year my hh is really getting me down and I feel like I'm trailing behind because of it. I really want to move to Spain to be with my family but I suffer from generalised hh!! The only part of me which doesn't sweat is my hands and...