

Active member
Has anyone tried this? I have tried acupuncture, didnt work a bit... but was wondering about hypnotherapy and if anyone had any luck??


I tried hypnotherapy, meditation, yoga. None of which worked for my hyperhidrosis. Meditation and yoga is excellent for stress reduction and peace of mind though.


Well-known member
I used hypnotherapy to cure my facial blushing, but i've never tried it for sweating. I was considering trying it once, but I didn't want to pay for something if I wasn't positive that it would work. There are a lot of free hypnotherapy audios for anxiety that are on youtube so if anxiety is something that triggers your sweating you should try that.

x Will x

Well-known member
Iv tried self hypnosis without much luck but it works for some people. Maybe i didnt do it right, im not very good at clearing my mind of distractions... I think acupuncture is just a placebo to be honest.


Well-known member
I've tried self-hypnosis for HH but it doesn't really work (every day I'm currently listening to mp3 I bought off of a reputable hypnotherapy website).

I've found that hypnotherapy helped me dramatically for my social anxiety and feeling comfortable around people, but not for the sweating. It's weird, because I don't feel anxious anymore in social situations like I used to before hypnotherapy, but I still sweat too much (I have generalized HH triggered by social anxiety).


Yep, tried self hypnosis as well, since it worked pretty well for few other things , but for HH -nothing at all :<