When DON'T you sweat?


Active member
Whenever dr or people ask when I sweat I always wrack my brain trying to think of specific times or reasons for it to come on. I can never pinpoint exact times. But I'm interested to hear when everyone else doesn't sweat? Also what kind of HH they have!?

I'm primary generalised. I sweat from neck, face, armpits, back, chest and groin. Although recently the backs of knees have been putting their two bob in aswel!!!

I never sweat in work. Unless I've walked to work but once im in 10 mins it stops. (I work in a cold flower shop). I very rarely sweat at home. Unless I'm exercising, hoovering, cooking (only in a hot kitchen for people, not just making weekday dinners) very rarely sweat during the night in bed. Never sweat supermarket shopping (always sweat clothes shopping) don't sweat at the cinema. Lol. Which is weird.

I just wonder if anyone else have times they stop?


Well-known member
I rarely sweat when I'm sleeping, yet I have gotten night sweats at time. Sweating can subside while eating. If ionto works, I sometimes sweat less else where.


Well-known member
Well sometimes I don't sweat when I'm laying down on the couch with nothing on my mind or other times when I'm so completely in tune with what I'm doing I forget all else (although maybe I do sweat then but don't notice :D ).

Basically I feel like just with everyone else, stress of any kind (emotional, heat, excersize) turns on the faucets, it's just that with HH, the reaction is way too dramatic.

I think it's a peripheral overreaction on normal stimuli from the brain, rather than a normal reaction on too many stimuli from the brain.

This would explain why things like anxiolytics don't really succeed in attenuating the HH (unless maybe you take so many that you become a completely emotionless zombie that's never in a hot climate and never works out). You'd think that if it's stress related taking a bunch of these meds would dramatically decrease the sweating but as someone who tried beta blockers and briefly tried low dose alpha blockers I can tell you it doesn't or at least not for me anyway.


Essential primary HH= no sweat at night when you sleep.
Secondary HH= sweating in your sleep.

Majority of patients have primary HH.
Secondary HH is very rare and secondary to endocrine disorders, drugs, infections and other v v v conditions.


Active member
Usually when I come back from school, I tend to stay 80-90% dry for the rest of the day. unless i have to go out somewhere ofcourse.


Well-known member
Essential primary HH= no sweat at night when you sleep.
Secondary HH= sweating in your sleep.

Majority of patients have primary HH.
Secondary HH is very rare and secondary to endocrine disorders, drugs, infections and other v v v conditions.

Don't know about that. When I have a lucid dream I'll still be waking up in a pool of sweat, eventhough otherwise the signs point to EH.

Btw on a side note essential anything is obviously a bunch of BS really. It's doctor speak for 'haven't found the real cause yet'. There are no symptoms without causes, so things like essential hyperhidrosis or high blood pressure or irritable bowel syndrom and many other things that are diagnosed by exclusion of known causes are simply bandaid diagnosis that sadly sometimes are used as excuses to not look any further.

Before the plague was 'discovered' people who suffered from it just had essential painful death.
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Well-known member
I don't sweat much in the winter or in cold chilly rooms where the A/C runs frequently.

The sweating is usually limited to my back, armpits, nose, and head. I don't sweat much in other areas.
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I only sweat about 70-80% of the day and i have HH on both my hands and feet. I never sweat at night and always wake up dry in the morning. But if i laid in bed to long while awake i would start sweating. I have now treated my hands with iontophersis and both my hands and feet have stopped sweating even though i haven't treated my feet.


New member
I do not sweat in my sleep... other than that, I can be in a walk in freezer and soak my shirts (and socks). I could be completely relaxed, having the time of my life, and I'm a soggy puddle in my armpits.

My feet don't sweat when I have them in shoes... but it doesn't seem to matter what KIND of shoes I wear... I even sweat in flip flops.

I think it's mostly in my armpits. And definitely not linked to anxiety.