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  • Very good :) By the way, you look so pretty in your pic, lol. I know how that is though, seems like I don't have a moment of free time lately but I think I'm liking it, as opposed to being alone and doing nothing all the time. Funny how we all first met and now look at everyone, a complete turn around.

    It won't let me use the links :(
    My God - strangely went a while without using this site for a bit.
    Had withdrawal symptoms so had to come back!

    Ooh is Troy moving nearer to you?
    I'm so happy for ye!
    Oooh now i'm totally intrigued. It doesn't matter how long it takes to make it, you'll have so much fun doing it and when it's finished you'll be like a proud momma hehe
    Ooooh that sounds really cool, i'd love to see the movie when you finish it, do you have any ideas of what you're going to do?
    Hiya hun, how have you been? sorry i haven't been around for a while. How is your college course going?
    Aw, I know the feeling. I actually like not being on here a lot, helps me focus on what I need to and my own problems..not distract myself by taking on everyone else's but of couse I still try to help :) How are things going with your love?! And I start in August actually, thank gosh so I can get my wits about me.
    I cant live without this site.
    Its become as essential as oxygen at this stage!

    Wow im so proud of your aunt!!
    Is she into the Law Of Attraction or something?

    Oh my God... Hows Troy after it?
    Havent seen him on here for a while actually...

    I thought the teachers would get background checked incase they were a danger to students... :(
    I'm sooooooooo happy you're back too! I'm a little peeved with myself that I wasn't here when you made your grand entrance! Tell me how EVERYTHING has been :D
    How has it been eventful? I'm intrigued!!
    I cant stay away from the net for even a few hours without going mad..

    I've been alright - a million ups and downs as always!!
    How bout you?
    I don't know many people on here, but the ones i have talked to i would miss if they left, it's nice to come on here and see the same people posting, it makes me feel comfortable lol

    I hope she doesn't clone her cat, that would be weird o_O but then again i guess doing that is better than having it stuffed when it dies, i never understand why people do that lol

    You should definitely get a camera, when i'm out i always have mine with me just in case i see something that i want to remember. I hate having my picture taken as well, i'll run a mile if one is pointed at me, but it's always nice to have a camera like you say to keep memories and to look back on good times :)
    Aw, you're simply marvelous you know that! I slept in, lol. And yourself? I hope you're not forgetting how equally amazing you are?
    Unbelievable!! That kitty is something, but I have to say it isn't as amazing as Trine's kit kat. She's the most well mannered feline I've ever had the pleasure of being around. She's how they should all be designed.
    You definitely have to keep coming back here, we'd miss you too much if you left hehe but you'll do brilliantly on the course, it sounds like you already have a good knowledge of computers and that's a good start lol

    Ooooh i finally found that video with the cat, here's the link YouTube - Cat eats with fork and chopsticks
    I hope that works, i suck at sending links lol
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