Recent content by dixiegirl

  1. D

    I can't focus.

    How can I focus with all these obsessions flooding my mind? I have to study for an exam. But every time I sit down to study, I start thinking about having HIV or HOCD will flare up or yada yada yada. I don't know how to focus. I can focus for maybe 10 minutes then I go off the deep end...
  2. D

    Does OCD make you feel dirty?

    I feel so dirty, especially when my STD OCD and HOCD are really bad. I woke up this morning wanting to cry because I feel so corrupt and anxious and just dirty all the time. Is that shame? Or guilt?
  3. D

    How to deal with betrayal?

    Does anyone have difficulty becoming angry/expressing anger/defending themselves/standing up for themselves when they have been betrayed? I realize that I have been betrayed so many times, but I always feel like it is my fault and I never place blame on the other person. In fact, I often...
  4. D

    New obsession and constant anxiety

    I'm beginning to understand the compulsion of those who check and recheck and recheck (you get the idea) to make sure that light switches are off. I'm obsessed that it would be unsafe to leave a light on (or anything that uses electricity) so I've gotten to the point where I don't even use...
  5. D

    Feeling empty... :-/

    I've noticed lately that I don't get much pleasure out of life. I don't enjoy doing anything for fun. I just don't care about anything. I don't even feel like eating most days. I put a fake smile on but really I'm so sad and feel so alone. I tend to only really enjoy life when I have a...
  6. D

    How to deal with repetitive spikes?

    Once I've had a spike from something, when that same scenario occurs, I will always spike again. It's like my brain anticipates it before I am consciously able to avoid it. Is there a way to trick my brain?
  7. D

    Great video on Pure-O

    Google "Dr. Steven Phillipson." There's an hour and a half long video on his website of him discussing Pure-O. It's really helpful.
  8. D

    OCD in dream!?

    Has anyone had dreams where in their dream, they are in a situation which spikes their OCD and they are ruminating or doing their compulsions???? Sleep used to be my only savior from this and now I can't ever get away from it!
  9. D

    Eye Lid Twitching?

    *delete please*
  10. D

    Always Testing Yourself

    *delete please*