Recent content by CeCe

  1. CeCe

    have you ever lied to get out of going to a social event?

    I was invited by my bf to go play video games with a group of people i have never really met. just thinking about me sitting around while he talks to everyone makes me freak out. I had to lie to him to get out of it..i said i was already hanging out with my friend..and he was all excited for me...
  2. CeCe

    why do people ask me if i ever talk?

    like whats the point?? all it does is hurt feelings. I can be having a great time doin my own thing not worrying much...and then out of the blue someone will ask me "do you ever talk?" in those exact words...and it hurts a little they see it as weird and unnatural...and after this...
  3. CeCe

    free time

    Don't you all hate when there's free time in class and everyone around you is out of their seats and talking and jumpin around and stuff. I feel so bad just sitting there pretending to do my hw or something...and so uncomfortable and like im going to "loose control". I also feel frustrated and...
  4. CeCe


    my social phobia has gotten so bad where i feel like it's impossible for me to go to school. I don't even want to go anymore and i beg to stay home everyday. I've stayed home for two days now, but that's because im sick (but being sick is probably just an excuse to cover up for the anxiety). I...
  5. CeCe


    ok i realli dont kno what to do with my lunch situation at school ne more....i mean i have no friends and i never know where to sit...i hate going to lunch and sitting at a random table and not talking to ne's the most awkward thing ever....i actually try not to sit at an empty table...
  6. CeCe

    quitting out of things

    i was just wondering if u guys found yourselves quitting out of many things.. like for me it was soccer, then girlscouts, then marching band. Have u ever done this before...cuz i kno some of u r older ppl...but im onli 15 and i just started noticing the signs at around 13. Also does ur physical...