free time


Don't you all hate when there's free time in class and everyone around you is out of their seats and talking and jumpin around and stuff. I feel so bad just sitting there pretending to do my hw or something...and so uncomfortable and like im going to "loose control". I also feel frustrated and mad at everyone around me. Is this social phobia?


Well-known member
Yes I had this in my college days. I used to make sure that I turned up at the class exactly on time, hopefully minimising any free time there was. Like you said CeCe, you feel like a complete idiot pretending to get on with something, while everyone else is mixing together and messing around.


Well-known member
I can relate too. Doesn't feel so good. I think it's kind of ridicules though, how the guys from my class jumps around and acts crazy. Anyway.. it's worth it trying to make conversation and not just isolate yourself or go in to the little inner shelf ;)


Well-known member
I hate that too. I always have a book with me to read and just try to block everyone else out, which is difficult sometimes. If I don't have something to do, I feel like I'm going to go crazy just sitting there, even if there's only a couple minutes until the bell rings. It's better they think I'm a bookworm nerd (which I sort of am, lol) than know that I just can't talk to anyone.


Well-known member
yes, I am the same way at my university.. I normally try to be at class right on time and if the prof is late then I break out with a book.

I saw this topic posted somewheres else, but don't remember where, so it is sort of related... when you are just sitting there feeling stressed... do you feel like you may look angry or unapproachable.. I do..
in fact years back when I had more hair :lol: I had a group of girls who were ambiguosly laughing and looking at me saying something to the effect that I was too good to talk to them. Which was ironic considering that I felt too socially inept to talk to them. Ah, observable ambiguous behavior in public always gets me stressed? can any of you relate?


Well-known member
I suppose I'll be the trend breaker for this one...I actually find it easier to show up earlier to class. I prefer to be able to watch the people come in as opposed to them watching me come in. I can't stand being late to class...everyone staring at you as you walk in the room...professor making a snide remark...I just skip class if I'm late...only has happened a couple of times though.

As for the extra free time...for me it isn't to much of a problem. I go to a small school and am in a relatively small major at my school, so I generally have one good friend in all my classes...even though there are about 4 people at my school that I would consider most of the time this friend will just talk to me when he gets to class. As for the time before this person gets there...I just get all my stuff out and get ready for class and kinda play with the stuff i get out. Occasionally I do get panicky (generally in the classes that I don't really know anyone), but calculator games are good for those times.