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  • Well, what i do to try to help my SA is volunteer to present. Like when we had to give speeches, i would always raise my hand. Just to get it over it, and not be feeling anxious the whole class period wondering if i would go today. I still wish we didn't do it. lol
    Its hard to think that you actually wanna present.
    Halllooootjes !!! :)

    We got lots in common !!! thats great!! (Y)
    Psychology is really nice, really interesting;)
    Are you good at playing guitar? What kind of songs do u play?(H)
    and what kind of movie genre are you into?:p
    Yes i can be really positive , but also really down , im just really moody haha :p
    (I mean, ups & downs :p ) but its good to have a little sunshine in life :p

    Yay lets celebrate together :p haha, we can congratulate eachother on that day wil be fun haha :p yea april is great, i just love spring :D
    haha yea i havent picknikked in such along time either :p but its fun tho !
    yummy! pizza, i envy you xD, haha
    thank you means = dankjewel , here

    btw where are you from??

    xx bhugss :p (big hugs)

    Flowergirlie (F)
    Helleuu :D

    Whoa thats cool ! :p we can celebrate together!! xD haha

    Ahww *hugs* i hope u will feel better soon ;) I don't have any plans,
    just a relaxing weekend :p , but tuesday i will picknick with my best friend :)
    And today just relaxing , watching some tv, listening to some nice music, reading,
    thats all

    Beterschap (means in dutch, that i wish to you to get better soon =D)
    Hey there,

    Thanks for the add :)

    How are you doing? Having a nice weekend? :)

    XX Your new friend,

    Lol Well thats going to suck DX
    Im worrried about tomorrow. D:
    I hope the teacher isn't there lol
    Hey, thanks for the request:)Btw, I like your new avatar but I've allready changed the message (in my mind):.....if you weren't afraid of anything and anybody...
    You're very welcome. ;3

    Ah, I see.. I never really got how those birth sign thingies worked. x3
    Aw, thank you for the compliment. ~W~ You seem like an awesome fellah too. ;D
    Hey, does that mean that you're also a Taurus? :3
    Nope its not over. We will keep doing it over and over. And i got that class next year 2 T_T
    You lucky you are 19 DX

    i posted on myself again
    ; 3 ;
    Lol i get the french. But i get nervous when i say it out loud. It was in front of everyone. We had to say the words in the board in french. She went and asked everyone, almost died DX

    btw i thought i reesponded. But my dumb self posted on my own messages xD
    Yep i can post now. Thanks to an admin XD
    And we didn't do it but we been doing oral speeches in our seats -.-
    Today in french we had to say stuff...i was nervous like(your wordXD )
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