I feel suicidal

Been a very long time since I felt this way. I often think that being sensitive is a real debilitating thing, for work or society in general.


Well-known member
Welcome to the site Gray Lantern.

I am very sensitive myself and I've been having suicidal thoughts for years. I don't know what the exact problem is, but if you need someone to talk to you can message me whenever you want.


Active member
Hi Gray, welcome to the site :) I find this site helps me, just to know I am not alone. We can help one another.


Well-known member
Hi, Gray Lantern. I'm really sorry you feel that way. You should try and get out and do things you enjoy or try and find things that interest you by joining clubs or something. I know it's obvious, but it could really help. I'm very sensitive as well, but I hide it with my easy to come by anger. When ever something can even be slightly construed as a insult, I will take that as a invitation to senselessly attack you. Your not alone in this, Grey Lantern, many people are going through these same struggles like myself. If you want to talk to me about it I got nothing better to do, buddy. ^.^
Hi. Thanks all. I've a lot of money issues due to sick parents and I can't get a steady job because of my sensitivity. I've average skills and a decent education. @ShyAngel: I'm not sure how it is where you live. But here and I'm sure almost everywhere, at work, the new guy/gal is often the target of scorn. I consider myself an average learner, but sometimes I'm slow... so...


Well-known member
Hi gray:) Sorry you're feeling this way. You are right about being sensitive makes it difficult to live::(:


Well-known member
Hey bud, I hope you're doing okay. I have the same problem too with work. I think with me, its a slow deterioration of being able to concentrate that causes my difficulty retaining things. I contribute this to a need for approval from others ie: sensitivity. Just something to think about. I've found ti helps to write notes, write myself cheat sheets etc... Something that works for you, that you can refer too.

This has NO bearing on who you are as a person. Its just something we aim to overcome.

Keep us all posted.


Well-known member
Aw, I'm so sorry you're feeling that way. I know it's the worst feeling in the world. Hope it gets better for you, & Welcome to the site!