Religious debate


You want to know how I got these scars?
What I dont get is why the suppression on the verdict for a few months, whats the point of that?
From the media on why they couldn't report on it until now;

"Australian media were not able to report on the decision because Cardinal Pell was also due to face charges at a second trial in early 2019, related to alleged abuse committed in Ballarat, reportedly at a swimming pool."


Well-known member
From the media on why they couldn't report on it until now;

"Australian media were not able to report on the decision because Cardinal Pell was also due to face charges at a second trial in early 2019, related to alleged abuse committed in Ballarat, reportedly at a swimming pool."

oh ok, well thats a valid reason I guess to keep it an impartial jury- not that he deserved one


You want to know how I got these scars?
I'm in a dark place right now.. but still I'll ask you to forgive me (spw users) if what I say offends you. Don't ask me why I ask you forgiveness. I really don't care.

I can't see a way out. I fkin hate everything.
If there is a god, I fkin hate you! Why did you make me this way?? So full of torment and pain??
You are fkin cruel.
You are just cruel.
You are cruel.
If you are there after my death - which I predict will be soon, I promise you.. I will pull you from your self imposed throne... slit your throat.. find a way to kill you and end you. Even gods can die. Yes... even god's die. There is nothing that will stop me.
Why would you fill a being so full of pain? Why?? I'm seriously considering of taking this 'gift' of life.. and ramming it back down your fking throat!

Now.... I'm an Atheist. That means I see no proof of a god. So until I see any proof then I'm inclined to say there is none. If you are there, then show yourself! But.... you wont. Because you're not there.. you don't exist.

I guess I should have known.. by a lack of evidence.. a lack of presence... that there is no god.. I did know. That's why life as an Atheist fills me full of purpose. Science is the new god! Mankind is the new god! We are our own god! We humans control our destiny!

If I die and find there is a god..such as the aforementioned JC.. or (lol)'d better look the fk out. I will make it my mission to to raise an army (of dead and broken souls) and pull you from your throne.. and slit your throat. And believe me it will happen.

But I'm no monster.. For I will place upon the throne a new god.
A god of compassion.. a god of understanding. A god of acceptance. A god of loving. There will be no racism, no homophobia, no hatred.
Just love and acceptance of everyone. I'm telling you m'fker... thats the way it needs to be. Either conform or be brushed aside by the tide of mankind. We will sweep you into the tide of nothingness.....

I'm in the army of the dead... consigned by death, by you... that's comin after you.. You made us. You made us what we are. Now we come for you.

You 'god'.... have already lost.
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A theory just randomly popped into my mind today.

I have always wondered why did ancient people invent a place called "Heaven" that people went to after they died.
I know that many atheists believe "Heaven" was invented to control people - you be a good citizen and your reward "from God" is earning yourself a place in this truly amazing "Heaven" for all eternity.
If you don't be good - and do what you're told - you will instead end up in a really horrible place called "Hell".
But, you're not allowed to end your own life yourself, because if you "murder" yourself, you won't be allowed into "Heaven".

However, I was thinking about why is it still frowned upon, stigmatised and against the law to kill yourself, even today?

Why is a product that makes dying painless and quick for people (that already exists and Vets use for putting animals to sleep forever) not easily available for any human who wants to end their life????? :mad:

And I thought, there are soooo many humans throughout history that have had to live such horrible, torturous, and depressing lives - Slaves for example.
So, was a perfectly wonderful place like "Heaven" used as a way to make sure that Salves never killed themselves, so that there would always be hundreds of thousands of them available for the "upper classes" to use? :unsure:

Was "Heaven" invented to stop humans who hate their life, from killing themselves?
So a Slave knew that if they dared to kill themselves, God would not allow them into "Heaven", and they would miss out on spending eternity in this incredibly pleasurable place.

Do religions still exist today because the wealthy people and the corporations/businesses they run, need many workers and consumers to continually provide profits for their lifestyles?

Do they fear that if suicide is suddenly considered OK, was easily and painlessly achievable, and it would no longer make millions of people fear they would miss out on going to "Heaven" and end up in "Hell" if they did it, then 3/4 of the world's population would choose to end their miserable lives, and the wealthy would no longer have enough workers and consumers? :unsure: