Bad Dating Experiences


Well-known member
Ha Ha.

My EX took me to their apartment and their tub had many pitch black stains in it with dirt. I take showers instead of baths now, OMG!:eek:


Well-known member
We're going back quite a few years here but...
I had a drink or two and started singing In the Navy, rather loudly, following his reference to the fact he used to be in the armed forces.
Strangely enough, he decided it was home time after that.
(Our homes were in separate places, I must add)


Well-known member
Yes,3-4 years ago,when i was more.....simple,i had to meet with a random girl at a subway exit(no name,no picture) who i talked on yahoo,we were great,completing our sentences and all that,when i finally got there,i saw this girl,same my age,i waited ten minutes before asking her if she was the one i had to meet,she said no,and after few seconds a boy kissed her on the cheek and both leaved,when i turned around,there was a girl,older,like 25,i was 17-18,and looking at me she rolled her eyes disappointed and leaved,i was to physical immature for her i think(i looked very young for my age,still do)I walked all the way home torturing myself how it would been if she didn't leaved or if i went after her,why she didn't give me a chance etc...That was the first and only date i had.

Sorry to hear that! You're older now. Don't give up. Try online dating and exchange pictures.

She was very immature to just walk away. No class at all. Good thing you didn't end up dating her.


Well-known member
there was the time that one girl threw up in my trans-am after we left the club

apparently, she was too scared to hang her head out the window like a normal person

it kinda killed the mood :sad:


Well-known member
there was the time that one girl threw up in my trans-am after we left the club

apparently, she was too scared to hang her head out the window like a normal person

it kinda killed the mood :sad:

Trans-am? Who are you, Burt Reynolds? :giggle:

Just kidding.


Super Moderator
My ex came back from a party completely drunk. I told him to eff off when he started to say all kind of perverted things to me.

We didn't last very long. Gee... I wonder why.


Well-known member
Trans-am? Who are you, Burt Reynolds? :giggle:

Just kidding.

no, but my car looked remarkably like this one:


i had the interior cleaned and detailed the next day, but i swear it smelled faintly of Bartles & Jaymes vomit whenever it got really warm after that


Well-known member
no, but my car looked remarkably like this one:


i had the interior cleaned and detailed the next day, but i swear it smelled faintly of Bartles & Jaymes vomit whenever it got really warm after that

Nice Car!! I admit, it looks bada**...........That must have sucked. Reminds me of a Seinfield episode.


Well-known member
i've been trying to enjoy dating. sweet lord.

it's been a trying experience. shyness is a liability sometimes.


Active member
A lot off bad experiences :bigsmile: I'm expert in this matter.
1. Rejections
2. Planted
3. I love you with my friend :giggle:
4. Sorry but now i can't compromise with other guy
5. I need more time "to think" or "forget" :bigsmile:

But i had a success too :perfect: All are life experiences and you have to have patience and intelligence to get what you want.
no, but my car looked remarkably like this one:


i had the interior cleaned and detailed the next day, but i swear it smelled faintly of Bartles & Jaymes vomit whenever it got really warm after that

WICKED CAR COYOTE! Sucks that some chick christened it with puke :thumbdown:
1. She was 34 and was apparently married, he came home at a ''bad time''.
2. Girl was 16 but looked 20-something. Oops!
3. Caught a treatable disease.:eek: Got rid of that with a quickness!
4. Girl i just met went home with me and stole my money when i was asleep.
5. And yet another wanted to go for a ride on my dirt bike, I wound up in the emergency room after trying to show off. Luckily the bike was ok.
6. Went swimming at the abandoned rock quarry to jump off the bluffs, I hit a rock under the water. Another hospital visit.


Well-known member
I have asked two ladies out in my life, they said yes, but I never made it on a date. Once I had to work 18 hours straight to finish a report over the weekend of the planned date.


Active member
Just recently I joined that dating site for shy people.. I met someone I really really liked and I thought we hit it off. We emailed, instant messaged, became FB friends and then texted. But on Friday he started to completely ignore me. He won't text, IM or email back and I have no idea why. The last thing he said to me what "what are you doing" and then he fell off the face of the earth. He has been on the dating site, he didn't read my email, and he's always on AIM. I kinda now just want an explanation... not sure if this is the right thread but I've been really heartbroken about it. I can only assume he wants nothing to do with me but I feel this is a cruel method and I just want to know what happened.. does anyone have any advice? Am I just crazy?


Active member
ok well someone on this site just told me I was pathetic so I'm sorry for wasting your time.. I know I am so nevermind :(