How to motivate yourself?


Active member
I listen to music. I'll take a walk or bike ride. I don't know, depends what the problem is and fix it and not see as enlarge :thumbup:
The work is very important for healthy living, when i was unemployed i worked as a volunteer at a foundation. I didn't have money too but i felt better :perfect:


Well-known member
I agree with Golem. Music is great for uplifting me, it really brings me outside myself. I have one album that has been able to do that since I first heard it, i'm considering incorporating lyrics into a tattoo as a constant reminder.


Well-known member
Music is usually part of my self motivating routine. It does work but this time hasn't been effective. I guess this depressive episode is even worse than I thought. Running out of time. Need to get motivated soon.

Ugh. I'll keep trying.


Well-known member
Make a to-do list and stick to it. Put the high priority items on top.

That's good advice! But, I already tried it, I lasted two weeks.

It may be a matter of waiting the depression out. It does come in cycles. Around spring I usually get a breather. I'm hoping that happens again. (if my history of Depression is any indicator).


Well-known member
Getting to the source of your apathy is a good way to overcome why you feel it. This could be a big reason why nothing is getting done; you simply don't care enough, no matter how urgent the errand is.

That's good advice! But, I already tried it, I lasted two weeks.
If it lasted two weeks, then something about the to-do list worked, even for a little while. Try it again and you may find it'll last longer. :)


Well-known member
Getting to the source of your apathy is a good way to overcome why you feel it. This could be a big reason why nothing is getting done; you simply don't care enough, no matter how urgent the errand is.

If it lasted two weeks, then something about the to-do list worked, even for a little while. Try it again and you may find it'll last longer. :)

As always, Thanks Mikey!

I admit, I do have a self hate issue going on. But, this video really helped! Also, people aren't attracted to negativity. I need to go back to being the positive person I know I can be. And, while I'm at it. Get stuff done (whether I'm in the mood or not). Watch this video, it actually lifted my spirits.

How To Get Motivated When You're Stuck In A Rut - YouTube
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Well-known member
As always, Thanks Mikey!

I admit, I do have a self hate issue going on. But, this video really helped! Also, people aren't attracted to negativity. I need to go back to being the positive person I know I can be. And, while I'm at it. Get stuff done (whether I'm in the mood or not). Watch this video, it actually lifted my spirits.
I watched that video, although she mentioned points that I already knew. She's completely right, though: getting motivated doesn't mean going out and working hard immediately. It's all about just getting out there, meeting friends, doing small errands, and so on. Procrastination is a killer, and it's still something I'm working on. I do know that there are times where I have a few things I need to do - nothing important; mostly going to the shops, cooking lunch, reading - but if I do them, I am automatically motivated to do other things.

One thing you can do is eat well. You'll find you'll have the physical energy to do what you want to do and not be driven by artificial preservatives and fats that can cause mayhem to your mental health, too.

You'll get there, mate! Just baby steps and you will be able to do it. :)


Well-known member
Good advice Mikey. Eating well definitely makes a difference as does exercising in order to sleep well. I feel I can't cope/be bothered with half the stuff I can without a good night's sleep behind me.
If you need help hypnosis sleep apps/youtube videos work well for me. I usually wake up in the same position I fell asleep in.

I'm in a similar rut ImNotMyIllness, and i'm terrible at procrastinating, self motivation, pushing things to the back of my mind and burying my head. I'm going to be reading the book 'Manage your mind' by Gillian Butler. It should help, I'll keep you posted.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I may appear docile and entirely calm, but on the inside I am always full of rage and I always have been, always will. Sometimes it become entirely self-defeating, so I seek out spoken word of people like Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins and get some heavy music to refocus my rage to keep going on, but more and more I go along, the more I feel I am losing my sanity anyway. Rage can only keep me going so far, but how long until I totally lose it?


Well-known member
I've had trouble with motivation too (side effect of depression), i noticed when I get poor sleep i feel less motivated, so taking a nap helps...

Simply do things to prove to yourself that you CAN finish things. (this mindset really helps)
For example, if you're doing a course you can think "I'm not doing this for marks, or to be good at something, but just to prove that I CAN finish it... "

While you work, take breaks and take care of stress

I love eating chocolate chip cookies, it takes away my stress so i'm more motivated to work!

Find some inspirational people you look up to: go through so history and look at people who made a difference, They all had to work hard regardless of their state of mind or health. Goodluck! i know it's difficult but once you get yourself in the habit, you won't want to stop.


Well-known member
Everyone here has great advice! I am eating better (waay better!). Getting inspired is also a great idea.

I hope things get better for you Roman Legion. I don't think I have half the strength that you do.


I listen to music. I'll take a walk or bike ride. I don't know, depends what the problem is and fix it and not see as enlarge :thumbup:
The work is very important for healthy living, when i was unemployed i worked as a volunteer at a foundation. I didn't have money too but i felt better :perfect:

Please say more about your foundation volunteer position! This has been suggested. I see this as a joke for a professional who needs to pay their mortgage and bills.

It might be a time to grab this. My head spins into possibilities of
Public street fundraising... laughing and dancing.. wearing make-up
Lifting the overweight onto the toilet, in & out of bed and bath, and sanitation clear-up (unpaid nurse)
Reception, front of house... not sure if I could ever get as low as point-of-sales

I'd rather go for a low wage using the basic components of my skills.

It's a big issue for getting into an office and being pleasant around others. It's always been a matter that I have ignored, as I get lucky with brief jobs
I get reminded of this by all types of people. The stares I get in the street.

My motivation has generally been high throughout life, and still is. It drives me to give myself a kick in the nuts and see what might happen

Please tell me what volunteering is like...

I did an old folks' home, buying stuff from shops in town, doing Bingo and serving food and the washing up in the kitchen. I was friendly to the people, because they were the age of my parents I grew up with. That was when I was driven there and back daily, when I was in jail.

Scared to mention this to the staff in the employment office, who have part of their terms & conditions to support 'previous offenders'. Can you see my anxiety? Every person is set against me. Anything anyone can use as detrimental against me as defence or criticism
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