Re: Post your pics!
Yeah nice pics Princess Haru...
Thanks Barry
you have really really ridiculously sexy eyes.....oh, and the peanut butter m&ms are good too. those and crispy are the best, its a shame theyre also the rarest
Aw, thank you! :

Haha they don't even sell peanut butter m&ms over here, my friend got some from an American girl she works with and decided to share the yumminess with me! I also had some candy coated reeces thingummies which were lush too (they tasted like smarties used to before they took all the artificial colourings and flavourings out and made them generally gross, lol!) So they make crispy ones too? *is excited*
Talking of M&Ms, do I spy some in your cookies, Ribbons? *pinches one*
Your white kitty is gorgeous, by the way!