I'm dreading valentines day!


Well-known member
Another valentines day with no one to love...It would be easier if i could love myself then i could by myself a card.

The only card i ever had was from my grandmother......She'd sent it to pretend that an admirer had sent it to me.

In Wales we have our own version of valentines day but i can't remember at what date it falls at. When i was in primary school we each had a post box in our class to recieve a handmade card from classmates....I was the only one in the class who had an empty box::(: I know that it's silly to feel sad at something so innocent but you can imagine at how inadequete i felt.

It's ok laugh at me if you like....Cry with me...Whatever.


Wow really? Back in Grade school we were encourage to give everyone a valentine cards. But, i know what you mean...Valentine day is coming and i'm starting regret all those time when girl will give me cards and i would just too much of an wuss to tell them i like them also...I feel liek punching my self in the face for not seizing the opportunities.


Well-known member
I have sympathy for your situation, and I can relate to many Valentine's when I was single in the past. Those days were hard.

But, rather than sitting around and getting upset about it, I eventually decided to pick myself up and do something about it. I decided to go out and conquer my anxiety, which I did. Now, a few years after I decided to do that, I have a serious GF and we are probably going to get married.

Pick your head up! Figure out what it is that you need to do in order to reduce your anxiety and get what you want and need out of life!


Active member
Ugh, I hate Valentine's Day. Just another day to remember that I don't have a boyfriend or even been close to having one.

I was about to say that I had never gotten a gift during Valentine's day but I remembered a boy gave me a teddy bear back in the 6th grade. Actually, they just left it in the class with my name, no idea who gave it to me.

Nothing like that has happened again...something obviously went wrong, or maybe I was cute in the 6th grade and I didn't know it!


Active member
Urgh! My first VDay as a single since 2005. So depressing! As lovers over the world
exchange gifts and lie in plush beds. I will be alone. In my bedroom. On my PC. Like evry freaking day. Not that I am bitter.....:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Ive never been given a valentines card, or gift of anykind. And that doesnt bother me, im more bothered ive never had intrest from girls at any time of the year and like the others said its just another day.
I definatley understand you feeling left out.


Well-known member
This is why i am giving my shy guy a v-day card on friday just so he knows that theres a female in the world who cares about him alot..as more than a friend.

Now, i just hope it makes him happy???
What I do is just not have any idea what day of the month it is, until problem is I'll hear people talking about it when it's there, so it's annoying. I wish no one told me when it was, then I would have no idea at all. At school, we used to do that too. Except for we had to give every single person a card lol. So like everyone got the same, which is just as useless.


I'm nearly 21. Never been given anything on valentines day. Anyway if I was with someone the best present they could give me would be their acceptance of the person I am. I have a feeling Ill meet my soulmate this year and it will have been worth been lonely up until now when I find her. Good things come to those who wait. The good thing about never being with anyone is that we still have our virginity and have the chance to give it to someone who deserves it :). This valentines day, I will be upset that I don't have anyone to share the day with but will just be thinking of my soulmate whoever she is out there. We will celebrate our love for eachother everyday of the year, valentines day is just another comercial holiday imo. That's just my thoughts, does anyone else think like this. Once you accept yourself for who u are, than u won't be as depressed and feel that nobody would want you cos out there theres tons of ppl who would love to be with u, we just have to try and meet new people we feel comfortable around. And by meeting people, u will meet more ppl etc and then u will eventually find THE ONE for YOU


Active member
Soulmates are a nice idea but i'm not sure if they exist. People always let you down in the end and disappear


Well-known member
Urgh! My first VDay as a single since 2005. So depressing! As lovers over the world
exchange gifts and lie in plush beds. I will be alone. In my bedroom. On my PC. Like evry freaking day. Not that I am bitter.....:rolleyes:

Well atleast it's since 2005 and not your entire life! I mean is it better to have loved and lost o'r never have been loved at all? The optimist might say that ''what you never had you'll never miss''.......But i'm in a pessimistic mood. Feeling like a reject is the worst. And i'm not only talking in the romantic sense...Reject in life in general. Who do you think got picked last to be in the team at school p.e...Me! Who got overlooked for a promotion at work...Me! I'm sick of being the reject.
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Well-known member
Soulmates are a nice idea but i'm not sure if they exist. People always let you down in the end and disappear

Soulmates don't exist...Everyone has the capabilties to be a traitor. I don't trust anyone...Even my family!


Well-known member
Worst thing is when people send you a shallow card which contains sensitive words of love, affirmation and so on without really meaning anything at all. It's nothing but hurtful.


Well-known member
Was that directed at me Hav?

I am verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry sincere ABOUT MY SHY GUY if people can't see that in my posts then i am really in trouble...lol!

I am going to give my shy guy the card I JUST HOPE THIS WILL LEAVE NO DOUBT IN HIS MIND ABOUT MY FEELINGS AFTER HE READS IT bcuz then i am really going to be at a loss.

I am wondering NOW what i should add to the card though - put my feelings out there once and for all or IF I SHOULD GIVE HIM SOMETHING WITH IT????

Just reading the card itself he will know HE'S LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!! iT SAYS IT ON THE INSIDE.
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Well-known member
Was that directed at me Hav?

No, didn't have anything to do with that, you've made it very clear to me {and others here} how big and serious this thing is to you. I meant when other people write something like "You're so nice, will you be my Valentine?" just for fun {I take things like that very serious and can't stand when it's done without any meaning in it}.


Well-known member

I am so nervous and excited just thinking about Friday!!!!

Any ideas on how i should approach this? I want to leave it in his mailbox...i just hope he checks it befor ehe leaves for the weekend. Do you think the crads enough?


Well-known member
wELL, he always locks his door when he's not in there!!!!!

hmmmmm i may have to put it in his mailbox and ask before i leave if he went to his mailbox at all..i just don't want to have to see him right away after he gets it...i am such a chicken plus i don't want to feel like a stalker looking for an answer.

I know he's probably going to need time to process it all, he usually retreats for a bit..mybe out of disbelief..but then again its not the first time i have done something like this and he came around me even more after i did it at christmas time, he seemed to like it bcuz he thanked me TWICE in two days..so i think it will be good for him I KNOW I WILL BE A MESSS THAT DAY...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Well atleast it's since 2005 and not your entire life! I mean is it better to have loved and lost o'r never have been loved at all? The optimist might say that ''what you never had you'll never miss''.......But i'm in a pessimistic mood. Feeling like a reject is the worst. And i'm not only talking in the romantic sense...Reject in life in general. Who do you think got picked last to be in the team at school p.e...Me! Who got overlooked for a promotion at work...Me! I'm sick of being the reject.

Nah. I should never havd decided to take a chance and meet my ex. He is happy and has everything-I don't even have a friend at the moment.
All I have now are memories and being alone while tackiling all my problems.
You aren't a reject , you work and went to school. Some peole couldn't manage that and screwed the whole of their childhood/teens/twenties living in the shadows like a prisoner.