I'm dreading valentines day!

gah v-day is gonna suuuuck more this year than most years because usually me and my family go out for supper or something but this time I'll be on college res with my equally single room mate...while my crush hangs out with her boyfriend :(

ah oh well at least v-day means chocolates :D even if I have to buy them myself lol


Well-known member
I must agree to what a couple of people said earlier, personally I don't even remember when it's valentines day any more. I think it's a lame holiday. Who needs a specific day to show their love any way? I also don't receive anything on valentines day but at the end of it, I don't give anything either, so fair enough. Nowadays when someone says it's valentines day I'm like "Oh, I didn't know...." which is the truth.

As was said, it's just another day really. No biggy. Sure it sucks to know you're rejected, but it's all superficial to be honest. We've got enough problems than worrying about this day. Then again it's a completely irrational worry, over such a trivial day.
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