What things have you missed out on


Well-known member
In your life because of your SA? For me it's attending university. I had had plans to go but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. Next thing I know a couple of years fly by and I feel so far behind the few friends I keep in touch with off and on. So what have you guys missed out on because of the prison that is your SA?


Well-known member
-getting a degree

-getting a decent job

-finding a partner and sexual intimacy.

-having friends and a social life

SA has screwed me..


Active member
_Avoided girls that liked me
_dropped out of school
_dropped out of boxing
_having friends
Thas what hurts me the most.......


Well-known member
There's lots of things I'm sorry I missed out on, but I think the biggest thing I'm sad that I missed out on is just having the typical high school experience. I only had a few friends my first couple years but the last couple years I didn't really have any. The only real friend I had then went to a different school. I only went to one high school party, I was in Drama my freshman year but other than that I wasn't in any activities. I was the first one of my friends to get a job, so I always had to work weekends when they would hang out, so I just kind of gradually got forgotten about.

I just miss that I didn't have many friends in high school, no girlfriends, didn't do anything really that typical high schoolers did. I never even got drunk till I was 19. I never went to any dances in high school, not even prom. Didn't go to one football game either, though I really wanted to.

I just wish I could go back in time and redo my life starting from high school while knowing what I know now.
Nope not really. Maybe I regret not being able to stand up for myself, not speaking my mind, being so nervous and anxious all the time.

But I dont regret not doing anything social. When I was younger I think I only wanted to socialize more because I thought thats what I HAD to do. Like, it wasnt normal not to want to have friends and hang out with them.

Now im kinda more interested in having a social life. Which sucks cause my SA is pretty damn bad right now. :?


Well-known member
Having a social life and making friends throughout high school and college. I had zero friends in high school, so the summer before I started college I was very adamant about overcoming my SA and really putting myself out there once I got to college, so that I could meet people. I really did try at first to meet people by going to meetings for clubs and by chatting a bit with people in class. But I wasn't able to build any friendships at all. So now I have finished college with no friends, and I am back in my hometown where I went to high school, so it's not like I have any old friends here. So now I feel really stuck living such an insular life.
Many things I've missed out on, but the thing I missed out on the most has been high school football games. I've refused to go because I dislike many people -- and not only that: it's crowded.

Pathetic, I know. :(


Though I feel as though I missed out on a lot of opportunities in college, I think it did wonders for my SA. I became more independent and I've become more comfortable talking with people I don't know. The college I went to was very diverse so I also became used to being around all different types of people.
I pretty much just missed out on being a teenager. Everything about me is either child-like or adult-like, but nothing in between.


Well-known member
I've missed out on the whole 'rebellious' phase of life. Most people have been through the stage of life where they drink and party, and i feel left out because of this. I know that life is not all about partying but when people my age talk about the 'wild' parties they went to it kind of makes me feel left out. I've also missed out on meeting girls, i know i am still young at 27 but i feel that i will never change.


Well-known member
-a social life
-a girlfriend/boyfriend

Those are the main things that I think I've missed out on do to SA and depression.


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
Having a social life and making friends throughout high school and college. I had zero friends in high school, so the summer before I started college I was very adamant about overcoming my SA and really putting myself out there once I got to college, so that I could meet people. I really did try at first to meet people by going to meetings for clubs and by chatting a bit with people in class. But I wasn't able to build any friendships at all. So now I have finished college with no friends, and I am back in my hometown where I went to high school, so it's not like I have any old friends here. So now I feel really stuck living such an insular life.



Well-known member
Just last week, my school Prom. Kinda pissed about that, but apparently didn't miss much. Apparently only the people with dates were really dancing and having fun - only one of my friends had a date (hehe, we're ALL losers :D !) and wouldn't have had a date anyway so meh, i probably didn't miss much. Just a leeltle bit resentful, because i happen to like limosines and ballgowns - oh well, i think my sixthform college has a prom at the end of the senior year. Maybe then i'll feel stronger, and go to that one instead.


toothpastekisses said:
Basically, everything that is considered "normal" teenage behaviour. I've missed out on pretty much everything everyone else has already mentioned really. I may as well have been locked away in a cellar or something for the most of my teenage years, I don't think I've matured socially which is well scary. Lately it seems the whole world is moving on and making something of themselves in fast motion whereas I'm just stuck here, stationary. I also missed my sixth form prom, nobody even mention it to me, not a soul. Not too bothered though seeing as I couldn't wait to get out of that place

Sounds very familiar. You're not alone.


Well-known member
I wish I knew about sa and how to combat it years ago. This site and the people here have helped me a lot in the short time I've known about it. Here are my responses:
-Making friends
-Doing things I want to do: going places, pursuing interests
-Being my true self
-Feeling "grounded" and sure of myself
-Standing up for myself
-Avoiding potential dates


Well-known member
As a teenager I missed a girlfriend.
Now I'm getting older and I still wish to have a close friend. But SA prevents to trust people and it's hard to make new friends.
And not to forgot, I would like to travel


Active member
-Developing real and deep relationships
-Trying a whole bunch of new things (like, I don't know how to ski/snowboard, bowl, play pool, on and on)