Fear of the Gym


Well-known member
I have a massive fear of walking into a gym, why i dont know, so i get my exercise through bike riding and push-ups ...but i'd like to join a gym, its just that you walk in and most of the people are regulars who have super-fit bodies or are on the way to having one and go so often that they have a bunch of people they already know ...so perhaps its feeling intimidated by the set-up...and there's always the old guy who will get naked in the change rooms and wont care that others may go blind from the sight of this lava lamp on exhibition ...i dont know, i'm fairly skinny you see so i'd be constantly paranoid i feel ..

i just feel like this world is driving me crazzzyyyyy....

cya later


Well-known member
i know you are right but i still fear going in because i keep thinking the alpha males will have this clan thing going on and it'd be like being the fresh faced apprentice in the pod of the long-time faithfulls ..

maybe it depends on the gym, i think a small indie gym would be more like that but a massive commercial gym would get all sorts of people so its more people come and go ...so perhaps the larger gyms are the best way to go .


Well-known member
I also have a fear of going to the gym. Every time I've gone I haven't enjoyed myself or gotten as good a workout as I could have, because I've been so on edge with feeling like everyone's looking at me. And sometimes I will want to try a new machine, but I'm not exactly sure how to use it, so I'm afraid I'll look like a goof if I go up and use the machine the wrong way.

I'm more of a "closet exerciser" myself. lol. As in I just workout at home. I would like to start running, but I have a bit of a fear of that too, because I don't want all the people in the passing cars to be staring at me as I'm running along the sidewalk. And I don't want to go running in an area without cars, since that's not very safe.


Well-known member
Well i been going 3 days a week for about 3 years
Just go around the middle of the day. All the dicks seem to go after 5pm.
Theres nothing to be scared of theres people there that have no idea wat there doing but noone givs a shit.


Well-known member
Richey said:
I have a massive fear of walking into a gym, why i dont know, so i get my exercise through bike riding and push-ups ...but i'd like to join a gym, its just that you walk in and most of the people are regulars who have super-fit bodies or are on the way to having one and go so often that they have a bunch of people they already know ...so perhaps its feeling intimidated by the set-up...and there's always the old guy who will get naked in the change rooms and wont care that others may go blind from the sight of this lava lamp on exhibition ...i dont know, i'm fairly skinny you see so i'd be constantly paranoid i feel ..

i just feel like this world is driving me crazzzyyyyy....

cya later

Don't be scared, I was scared too and now I go there two times a day and I have SA too. Its really no big deal.

And people don't have like super fit bodies... lol there is a lot of fat girls trying to loose weight lol... and older people too like 40, 50, 60 years old.

Its easy, just go there you will see. lol


Well-known member
I agree with the above poster.

I had the same fears too in the beginning, but soon realized everyone there does their own thing...There is no reason to be scared. After a week of try, you will find your comfort zone.

Another thing, to start you can plan going at hours where there are less people and avoid going during weekdays between 5 and 9.


Well-known member
The gym is intimidating at first, but that wears off.

All the people in the gym are too worried about how they look than to worry about how you look. The old fat people aren't going to laugh at you and the muscles up people are just concerned with showing off.

I used to be skinny too, now I'm not. It takes a lot of hard work and the most important thing, whether you're losing weight or trying to gain it, diet is #1. The gym is only an hour so get in, get out and then the hard work begins with the diet.

A drastic body change takes a whole lifestyle change, nothing else works. Half assing it gets you nowhere


New member
just think about the steak u can eat when u've done a good workout in the gymm


i love the gym


Well-known member
I cant workout at the gym for im always thinking people are staring at me for being a bit overweight or maybe im doing this wrong. And i know a person who goes there and if heres there i just die of anxiety and feel so embarrased to even attempt working out


Well-known member
I also have a fear of going to the gym. Every time I've gone I haven't enjoyed myself or gotten as good a workout as I could have, because I've been so on edge with feeling like everyone's looking at me. And sometimes I will want to try a new machine, but I'm not exactly sure how to use it, so I'm afraid I'll look like a goof if I go up and use the machine the wrong way.

I'm more of a "closet exerciser" myself. lol. As in I just workout at home. I would like to start running, but I have a bit of a fear of that too, because I don't want all the people in the passing cars to be staring at me as I'm running along the sidewalk. And I don't want to go running in an area without cars, since that's not very safe.

Same here with being a "closet exerciser". I have had a muscular build since I was 17/18 (now 24). But now I have really gained a lot of muscle in the last 2 or 3 years and people always ask me what gym do I go to. I always tell them I go to the home gym! LOL! I like my privacy when I exercise and all I do is do bicep curls and a lot of push-ups. I like to have my own space and I would not want to use the same sweaty equipment that God knows how many other people have used it before me.


Well-known member
As you can tell from my username, I'm sort of a fitness freak. But like most of us here I don't go to a gym because I'd be terrified. Neither do I have any equipment at home other than 15 lb dumbbells. But I do lots of stretching and spot jogging, and I'm in good shape.


Well-known member
I'll back up what Thelema said.


And chances are, there are going to be people fatter/skinnier than you. And take it from someone who goes to the gym all the time, regulars don't look down on these people. When I see someone really overweight (and I'm talking seriously overweight), all I see is someone who's had the courage to do something about it. Most people are the same.

I did kind of gradually ease myself in. For example, for the first couple of weeks, I used to skip back home after a workout and shower at home. But after a while, I just thought, "screw it" and went for it. Even though my shyness tends to shrivel things up a bit ::p: .


Well-known member
I go to a gym, but I'm lucky enough to live in a small town and at the time of day I go down there I'm usually the only person around. I'm a bit self conscious running along busy roads too (so I don't do it,) but I have no problems on the backroads...

I've got some freeweights at home (28kg dumbells) as well though, and I've recently bought a pull up bar that you just slip over a door frame, then remove when you're done - takes about 5 secs.

There's a much busier gym in a close by town, but I'm too nervous to go there. I think my main worry is having younger kids lifting more weight than me lmao, even though I'm not weak I don't think.


Well-known member
chill lol just go to the gym anyway , ok your skinny so what , your there to train , dont worry about others looking at you , you slowly will put on weight , hell we all have to start somewere , but i do know what you mean , just train eat well drink protein shakes , you can get some good weight gain protien shakes , a lot of people in the gym walk around with there arms out looking all better than you , but then 10 min later someone walks in bigger than them , lol egos rise and fall in the gym , if you dont want to talk to anyone just put on your i pod , and listen to music in the gym whilst training , thats what i do lol , but the thing is most of weight training is diet good food , you wont build but your body if you dont eat right , breakfast musli with grapes 2 eggs , toast with honey , lunch chicken with rice lots of fruit , dinner steak with a jacket spud , b4 you go to bed a weight gain protien shake , oh after a workout drink a protein shake , it will build you up ... hope this helps gazza


Well-known member
I have a fear of all the hot women at the gym. especially since i'm only average looking and in average shape!Q


Well-known member
I have to go to the gym tonight. I have a pass for the gym that I paid half for and my mom paid the other half. I thought it was a great idea at first because I really want to lose a lot of weight, but I'm really scared of going. I've gone about ten times so far and the pass expires pretty soon. My mom wants me to go because She paid for part of the pass, so now I have to go tonight. I'm only going to be there for about 20 minutes, but it's still going to be scary.


Well-known member
I'm only going to be there for about 20 minutes, but it's still going to be scary.

good lack with that!it can be scary at first.i probably had to go for about 2 months to adopt.And the fact that i was and i am kind of skinny made me even more self concious.But after that time i started liking it and i become a bit obsessed too!


Well-known member
I have a massive fear of walking into a gym, why i dont know, so i get my exercise through bike riding and push-ups ...but i'd like to join a gym, its just that you walk in and most of the people are regulars who have super-fit bodies or are on the way to having one and go so often that they have a bunch of people they already know ...so perhaps its feeling intimidated by the set-up...and there's always the old guy who will get naked in the change rooms and wont care that others may go blind from the sight of this lava lamp on exhibition ...i dont know, i'm fairly skinny you see so i'd be constantly paranoid i feel ..

i just feel like this world is driving me crazzzyyyyy....

cya later

Just go man don't let people scare you off like that, I go to the gym and I used to feel like you do all the time. You prob won't have the best body but not the worst either. Also I don't even talk to anyone except my lifting partner i don't go around and mingle , only thing i say is "are you done with that bench or dumbbell", just use the gym for what it's for and if your in the mood for mingling mingle but if not just workout get it done and leave , no big deal. Thinking about going to the gym is alot worse than acctually going if you know what i mean, just do it!