Fear of the Gym


Well-known member
it's the only place other than my home that i feel comfortable. if you don't wish to socialise, then make it clear you don't want to and you won't get bothered, or better yet bring an ipod/headphones so people won't disturb you. 95% of people would only speak to you out of politeness wanting to know whether you're using a certain bit of equipment, or if they could 'work in' with you and use the equipment too.

the thing people don't realise about bodybuilders and people that take their lifestyle seriously, is that 'posers' (yeah you get a few in every gym across the world), are people that have worked so hard to achieve their goal, and people respect that. that's why they look in the mirror, i do when i go to the gym, to check my form and also perhaps now and again admire myself. everybody that works out does it for how they look, so why wouldn't they. some people are much more discreet than others.

thirdly, people are much more interested in bringing you into their lifestyle rather than laughing at you and not wanting to help. this applies to 99.9% of people you'd see in the gym, seriously.


Active member
I was absolutely terrified of gyms for the first 45 years of my life. Then I had to go to an attended gym (personal trainer always at your side) to heal some bad tendonitis I got. I gradually got used to the scene and was able to visualize myself as a person who goes to the gym.

Now I walk a half-mile to my gym in the big city almost every day. Like so many others have said, most people are there to do their own thing. And of course they support what you are doing in the gym . . . why would they diss someone for doing what they're doing??


Well-known member
I had taken a physical education class and it was in the gym, I admit I was very annoyed by being watched by others but after a while I stopped worrying. The people there were extraordinarily friendly and by the end of the year I had made one acquaintance. I felt relaxed around him because he was so funny, outgoing, and nice to everyone. I had another class with him also, so we'd talk about a lot of things. I just wished we had kept in touch. So there are people in the gym that will go out of their way to make you feel welcomed, very rare, but possible. Plus this guy just liked shy people.


Well-known member
whos jim?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

omg!!! HA HA HA HA
There he goes again! You're amazing! Keep em coming!