getting married


Well-known member
:) now if i asked you to marry me what would you say ? feel free to reply even if the answer is no , but please if it is no be gentle ::(: ::p: dont worry about the fact we have never met , thats just a silly detail , dont worry about it :rolleyes: so who wants to marry me ? .....


Well-known member
I would, but i dont think you could handle me in bed so thats a no. XOXOXOXOX!!



Well-known member
Sure...who says polygamy can't go both ways.

hmmm what am i going to do with all these wives :) what to do what to do he thinks , are you all going to argue about whos turn it is to do the washing up :confused: cos im telling you now i wont put up with it , there will be a rota , so theres no arguing ......