Are you comfortable with you body?


Hi guys,

I'm wondering if SA people are comfortable with the shape they are in? Because I'm not and I'm afraid to go to gym, especially a crowded one, because I feel like people are staring at me and judging me, you know the usual social phobia drill : ). If you're happy with your body, could you give any tips to us how did you do it?



Well-known member
I'm not :(.

The way i got myself to a gym is i joined a kickboxing class. The class is always the same, so you actually know the people instead of wondering about whether strangers are judging you. And you get more of a feeling that you actually belong there.


I'm pretty comfortable with my body, but I don't like going to the gym. I'm not really muscular or anything, just thin. I, like some of you, don't like going to the gym and feeling like I'm not lifting enough or whatever, and I stopped last year when I went with my roommate and after getting off a machine, he immediately lowered the weight level for me. How considerate of him.


Well-known member
For the most part yes, but I could look better (eg buff) if I went to the gym. I would do this but because of SA I have trouble :roll: .


Well-known member
Not really... I'm extremely self conscious. I would feel like a total duche in a gym at the moment.

But I did just order a set of PowerBlocks and a bench so I could work out at home with no worries (Powerblocks are like... adjustable dumbbells). I really just started so I really can't help much. And I mean REALLY just started. I'm still working on changing my diet at the moment and checking out different workouts and such. Lots of stuff online and stuff regarding full body workouts and such using just dumbbells...

But ya... the powerblocks were a wee bit expensive... 300$ I think... but they're very comfortable, easy to adjust, and you can just stick them under your bed when you're done :D And if you mail order them, don't worry about looking like a duchebag trying to take a 100lb box from the postman. They're packaged individually :D

Anyway, ya... that's what someone suggested to me and that's what I'm trying and I think it'll work for me for now. The hard part for me really is gonna be keeping enough food around...


Im getting happier with my body day by day.

My shoulders, arm and chest are filling out with pushing iron at the gym. I struggle with self consciousness and last time fled half way through my routine as I was overcome with anxiety.

My waist is growing also. I eat to counter my depression. I helps the sadness but not the overall figure. But, I dont worry about that cos circumstances will change soon enough and I want feel as sad and so will lose that weight, however, my ever growing muscles will remain.

Its a huge boast to self esteem if you can improve on you physique. Choose a time at the gym when there are less people, wear headphones, even if with nothing on so noone will try and talk to you, and avoid eye contact.



Well-known member
I've learnt to accept my body, which is a mix of mesomorphic and endomorphic. Basically its hard for me to gain weight, so im stuck looking kinda think but with fine muscle tone and definition. I used to think i looked weak and vulnerable. Because im short also.


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel I am too THIN and look too weak. Strange I know, people usually feel uncomfortable on the other end of the weight spectrum.


Well-known member
Zarrix said:
Sometimes I feel I am too THIN and look too weak. Strange I know, people usually feel uncomfortable on the other end of the weight spectrum.

I'm the same way. I really wish I could gain at least 10 pounds. Other than that, I'm actually pretty comfortable with my body.


Thanks for the replies guys. I don't know if this is right or wrong but I feel like if I'm strong physically I would be strong mentally and by being mentally strong I mean having more confidence in you. There are great websites about what to eat to gain weight and they don't ask for any money. I highly recommend those who wants to gain more weight to just google them.

I'm not really that uncomfortable with my body, but I actually kind of am. Well like one day I'll think it's perfectly fine, and the next day I will think I have the most disgusting shape in the whole world. I am way more uncomfortable with my face, and I actually just seem to pick out flaws in everything I have. Like today I thought my body looked horrible, it's just like oh "I wish I could be thinner, and have better legs, and be taller, and have a nicer shape." I see things wrong in almost everything. I'm not really scared to go to the gym either, I'm just too lazy.


Well-known member
I strongly feel that i am too thin and just awkwardly shaped, for my age anyway. I need to hit the gym regularly. I feel like i look like a lazy, weak nerd to other people. Id like to gain about 50 lbs of lean mass in the next year or two. Not to look cool, not to attract girls - but to feel right, to feel like a man. I think it's important when dealing with your overall confidence.
The worse thing i have is chest hair... it is disgusting and difficult to shave off.
I dont know what to do about... go get it waxed off? But id feel like a complete idiot for sure walkin in there for that...[/i]


Well-known member
im proud to say that I am very pleased with my body. I workout alot and I am so happy that I feel like smiling when I look at myself in the mirror with my shirt off. lol! may sound a lil homo but its the truth. Working out has really added another whole field of things that make my life enjoyable. If you feel bad about your body, just WORK OUT!!!! Even if you feel like nothing on your body is changing when you work out, it still just feels great knowing that you actually did something productive.


I am way too thin, but I really don't think about it very often. Maybe I should though. I don't know.


Well-known member
If you're naturally thin, despite eating right, then screw it. You are who you are. There's no shame in that. I sure as hell wouldn't pick on someone or joke about it.

I've been very embarrassed about my body because I was "obese" (according to a BMI calculator, I still am, but that's bullcrab).
Now that I eat right and exercise a lot, I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with my body. I guess it's going to help a lot with my self esteem later on.


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It'a a work in progress for me......some days I feel better than others about it....but I have a hard time celebrating my progress...even though I know I have come so far.


Well-known member
I'd like to gain at least 15 more pounds. But I have been more comfortable with myself after lifting weights and exercising. Which I do in my basement. I can't stand going to a gym. I think I would be self-conscious at the beach no matter what I do.