Anyone in Texas?


Well-known member
I was going to move to Fort Worth after highschool for work training.
Plans fell through. I'd like to visit someday though!

My grandpa loved Texas. He had alot of friends there before he died.


Well-known member
i'm originally from kansas

which is alot like texas

only smaller and more rectangular


Well-known member
I've lived my whole life in Southeast Texas. Ways north of Beaumont.

^ and without as many cowboy hats?

I'm not sure what I find more amusing about Texas stereotypes - other folk using them or the fact that a lot of Texans (at least the ones I know) are happy to encourage folks to think like that. My mother has a favorite story about visiting New York and the residents being flabbergasted that nobody was wearing a ten-gallon hat.

Depending on what part of the state you're from, place is a lot more boring than it's usually depicted. For example, where I live is basically a big forest - hardly cattle country or dusty plains. (Which is certainly not like Kansas - I've been up there and seen the scrawny bushes that pass for trees. ::p:)


Well-known member
there are too trees in kansas


well, one anyway


Well-known member
Plenty of trees here, mostly pine, but I do have two pecan trees in my backyard. Love it. I also like watching the squirrels burying the nuts. :D


Well-known member
Yep, East Texas is a big part of the Piney Woods region. My family owns ten acres of land, slightly less than half of which is nicely forested. Most of that is pine, oak, and sweetgum though. At one point we had a pecan tree and a fig tree, but Hurricane Rita was not kind to them. (The poor fig tree was crushed by the tallest, oldest pine on the property.)

I'm pretty much the antithesis of an outdoorsy person, but I really do like that my back yard has what are essentially quiet forest paths (if you ignore the highway noise, heh) to walk around when I'm feeling contemplative. At least when it hasn't been particularly rainy and turned everything to mud.