Working out


Well-known member
So im on this new medication - zoloft - and its giving me TONS of energy. I'm bouncing off the walls, jumping around and excited and ahh its great. People think I'm on crack though, lol.
So while i was dancing to some awesome music and jumping around, why not use all of this extra energy to get in shape? Maybe it'll boost my confidence level a bit, and help me feel good about myself!
Does anyone else work out, and if you do, does it help relieve anxiety? When i was jumping around and working up a sweat i was having a blast and was not anxious at all
It was a nice break, and now im tired. Starting to get anxious again but it's not as bad


Well-known member
I love working out. I run two miles in the morning and do weight lifting in the evening. It keeps u fit and releases endorphins and that makes happy. It a killer way to kill anxiety. It might be tough in the beginning, but if u get the hang of it. Its super fun and relaxing.


Well-known member
I worked out all through last summer at the Gym. It made me feel really tired and everything, but at the same time the adrenaline rush, working up a sweat and the challenges i'd set myself every day made me feel really good. I might start up again this summer, although i don't know if i can affort it with the extortionate rates at the moment.

I'd say go for it, but you need some discipline and motivation. I had to keep a little diary to keep me going, otherwise i'd have quit after a few days :p


Well-known member
yep works for me , i work hard all day , also bike weight train , but i do have to say if your gonna push yourself big time , you have to have a good diet , chicken , fish , rice , lots of fruit , veg , ect or it will drain you lol but at least you will have a good nights sleep , i sleep like a lil baby um well.... most of the time lol so yea go for it


Well-known member
Yup, I lift weights and run regularly. It's proven via research time and time again that exercise reduces anxiety and increases feelings of happiness and well-being! Make it something that you do very regularly and you will notice that it helps to reduce your anxiety!


Well-known member
I cycle, run, kung fu and basic exercises (pushups and situps). Last week I over did it and I'm seriously fatigued, I need to rest I think. Why stop at summer panda, should make it part of your life :)


Well-known member
Hi pandamonium

Thats funny when I was on Zoloft it made me relaxed and I remember yawning alot, sounds like the opposite to the effect its had on you !

Good to hear that your feeling good thats the important thing.

If you enjoy dancing so much and want to get fit and have fun maybe you could join a dance school ?

I used to workout when I was younger but havnt for a few years. I started again only a fortnight ago and im feeling GREAT ! Im making gains very quickly not only in size but in fitness. Gee its great to be young isnt it.


Well-known member
Hah, I'm a terrible dancer and a terrible singer
It's a lot of fun but I don't know, it's really weird jumping around and weird movements, not the typical dancing haha. All I'm doing is flailing around, pretty much
And thanks for the responses, I'm really really excited to start!