Your social situation

Which applies to you?

  • I have many friends that I see a lot, but I can someitmes get nervous around them or people I don't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have a few close friends that I meet up with from time to time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So which one fits you the best, and tell us about your current social life. I have a feeling most people will choose the second one, that's my situation.


Active member
im #2 ...wait, that sounds bad. :lol: vote pretty much describes itself; ive got a few friends that i see occasionally. when im not with them, im in my house, at school, or possibly at work.
i dont even think that counts as a social life.


Well-known member
I am other. I dont have many friends that I see a lot. I dont even have a few friends. And I dont have any acquaintances that I see sometimes. I just have 1 "friend" who I see maybe once a year, but talk to her on the phone maybe once a week...
So basically im on my own


Well-known member
Yes I am number 2 as well. Although I don't always see my friends under my conditions (if u know what I mean). sometimes I have to more than flexible. Meaning I have to do what they want to do even if I am not really that keen.


Well-known member
I'm number 3. I know very few people but i dont consider them as friends. Just persons I know due to work or school. As friends i've one - my brother.


Well-known member
i vote for 2.but i don't know if they're consider close friends or of my friend came to my house most of the time.but she don't have a lot of friends either.but i don't know if we're consider true friend or not.another phone me from time to time.i'm pretty close with her when we're still schooling.the rest i don't talk with anymore.though i have a few more friends in school. :roll:


Active member
I am other..I have about 4 people I thought were my friends but slowly they stopped talking to me and dont even IM me when we're on line at the same time. I IM them but they don't respond. I am basically friendless. This is how my whole life has been and I am 18.


Well-known member
I'm "other". I used to have a bunch of acquaintances in school, but they faded away years ago. I've never had what I'd call a real "friend", just people I hung out with at school, I hardly ever hung out with anybody outside of school though. It's the same at work now, there's a few people I talk to and sit with at lunch, but that's it. I basically sit at home alone and roam around alone.


Well-known member
people come and go, ya know ...

that's my albeit sugar coated description of the current climate in my neck of the woods right now ..

so yehhh.......


i'd like more friends though


No close friends here, just a bunch of acquaintances. The acquaintances I hardly consider 'acquaintances' because even when I run into them I don't bother saying hello.
The only friend I ever considered a 'close friend' was my ex-girlfriend of 2 years...who is now labeled by me a psychotic beatch.
I'm not sure if friends/acquaintances cause me more grief or happiness.