
Well-known member
Drugs are still drugs. You take street drugs to feel better or have a good time. You take perscribed drugs to also feel better. same thing. I won't comment on the video because I don't bother wasting my time to watch it :confused:


Well-known member
... it seems completely obvious to me that the people taking the prescribed drugs need them because they have a problem ...

People have lived without drugs for centuries. I don't really understand how some people MUST HAVE drugs?

The only thing I take is vitamin supplements every now and then.. though I should really be drinking alkalized water because of all the unhealthy crap we eat today.


Well-known member
So, those of you that are taking anti depressant medication, or anxiety medication think again. There is no difference in what you are doing then those people that go on the streets to take some drugs.

Really? I think there's a huge difference. People who are prescribed medication are taking it because they need it. Granted, there are probably lots of people who abuse their prescription drugs but most of the people on prescription drugs use them responsibly. And guess what? Medications can actually help people.

Also, I am not just talking about anti depressants......pain killers, tylenol, advil and all of those stuff are isn't that being a little bit HYPOCRITICAL?

No it's not being hypocritical. Personally, I think that there are quite a few drugs that should be made legal, marijuana being one of them. Have you ever met a heroin addict? It's scary stuff to be addicted to heroin. Have you met someone who is taking anti-depressants responsibly? How can you even compare the two?

A chemical made in a lab by some scientist is not going to solve anything when in fact many pharma drug are known to cause bad side effects and have killed thousands and if not millions.

Now you're starting to sound like a Scientologist.
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Well-known member
People have lived without drugs for centuries. I don't really understand how some people MUST HAVE drugs?

They also lived without vaccinations and medical treatment - many of them died. But I do agree that we live in the era of the magic pill, the quick fix. A shitload of "feel good" drugs are being prescribed today, simply because people don't want to feel any discomfort whatsoever. The result of this is a generation of apathetic, lazy, underachievers.

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
The difference between drugs you buy on the street and drugs you get from pharmaceutical companies is that you take the prescribed drugs for a purpose.

People take street drugs for a purpose too, whether it's just to get high and feel good, or a "deeper purpose" like attempting to have a spiritual experience while on psilocybin or mescalin. You can also take pharmaceutical drugs just to get high, which explains why thousands of kids are constantly raiding their parents' medicine cabinets to steal vicodins, percocets, oxy's, etc...

Of course they have similar effects to street drugs! They're working on the brain messenger systems. The reason street drugs are illegal is that they are taken for the mind altering effects and for recreational use, and they are not needed by the person who is taking them.

Who is to say that pharmaceutical drugs are always "needed?" Every kid that is on ritalin "needs" it? Every person on anti-depressants "needs" them? Every person who goes to their doc and asks for some viagra so they can last longer in bed "needs" it? If drugs were only prescribed when absolutely necessary, they'd be leaving a hell of a lot of money on the table.

And speaking of heroin addicts, when they are going through massive withdrawal, can you honestly say their body does not "need" heroin at that moment for them to feel better? Isn't this "need" the reason doctors prescribe methodone (another opiate), which gives them a similar feeling?

They have no clinical use. The person's brain is perfectly normal and they are altering it for the high.

If GHB has no clinical use, why do doctors prescribe xyrem?

If marajuana has no clinical use, why do doctors precribe marinol?

If methamphetamine (responsible for the USA's biggest drug epidemic in history) has no clinical use, why do doctors prescribe desoxyn?

I could go on and on...

Prescribed drugs, and I'm using drugs that work on the brain here, because they can be compared to street drugs, are prescribed because the person who needs them needs some system in their brain to be altered so that a dysfunction will be fixed.

That's just a theory which many researchers still disagree with. Prozac, for instance, doesnt start officially working until approx. 2 weeks after being on the drug, yet some people experience a change in their mood almost instantly. How is this possible? Never overlook the power of the placebo effect.

I don't understand how you can compare street drugs and legal drugs, it seems completely obvious to me that the people taking the prescribed drugs need them because they have a problem, and street drugs are taken so people can get high.

As I already pointed out, this is not always the case. You could go to one doctor who might tell you you're fine and that you don't need drugs, while a second doctor might write you ten prescriptions. How do you know which doctor has correctly diagnosed you?

I'm not defending the money-grabbing capitalist pharmaceutical industry at all, but saying that "There is no difference in what you are doing then those people that go on the streets to take some drugs"...well I disagree.

There's not much difference.

Really? I think there's a huge difference. People who are prescribed medication are taking it because they need it. Granted, there are probably lots of people who abuse their prescription drugs but most of the people on prescription drugs use them responsibly. And guess what? Medications can actually help people.

And they can also hurt people, even when taken exactly as prescribed.

No it's not being hypocritical. Personally, I think that there are quite a few drugs that should be made legal, marijuana being one of them. Have you ever met a heroin addict? It's scary stuff to be addicted to heroin. Have you met someone who is taking anti-depressants responsibly? How can you even compare the two?

I've seen people on anti-depressants turn into total zombies, with no ability to enjoy sex or feel human emotions. Does this happen to everyone? Doubtful. But people still need to educate themselves about these possible consequences.

I can't believe I'm even bothering with this post, it just reeks of stupidity.

Wouldn't it be more stupid to blindly trust a doctor (who gets compensated for how many drugs he prescribes) simply because he has a good reason for giving you a drug? If Jim Jones passed you the kool-aid, would you suspend your critical judgment and think, "Well.... he must have a good reason for giving this to me. Bottoms up."

The point is... don't blindly listen to anyone, including me, when it comes to putting drugs in your body. Do your own research and make your own decisions.
I'm on anti-depressants and an anxiety medication. Before I started taking them I'd go to a public place, start shaking and sweating and my heart would race. Then I'd go home and think about killing myself because I "suck at life". Since I started taking the meds I don't feel the anxiety anymore and I haven't been suicidal for a long time.

Now tell me. Have they not done extreme good for me?? Taking a pill once a day is NOTHING like smoking crack or doing heroine.

Yes you CAN abuse medications. You can also abuse knives and guns. But they do good. And most people don't abuse them.

Think of someone with schizophrenia. I'm pretty sure they NEED their meds to function as a regular human being. My cousin has severe ADHD. When he takes his meds he becomes way more normal than he otherwise would be.

Medications do people good. There's no arguing that. Street drugs almost always end badly. There's no arguing that.


Well-known member
I've seen people on anti-depressants turn into total zombies, with no ability to enjoy sex or feel human emotions. Does this happen to everyone? Doubtful. But people still need to educate themselves about these possible consequences.

Wouldn't it be more stupid to blindly trust a doctor (who gets compensated for how many drugs he prescribes) simply because he has a good reason for giving you a drug? If Jim Jones passed you the kool-aid, would you suspend your critical judgment and think, "Well.... he must have a good reason for giving this to me. Bottoms up."

The point is... don't blindly listen to anyone, including me, when it comes to putting drugs in your body. Do your own research and make your own decisions.

I completely agree with you. Drugs can certainly be misused, prescribed or not, and people should do their research. What I was angry about was how the OP compared drug users with EVERYONE on any form of medication. It would be great if people could solve all of their problems without medication. I know I would love to. For the OP to say that people on prescribed medicine should be able to function without them is a bit of a slap in the face. I think to post something like this on a site where there are a lot of people with extreme SA that really do need medication is very inconsiderate.


Well-known member
I'm on anti-depressants and an anxiety medication. Before I started taking them I'd go to a public place, start shaking and sweating and my heart would race. Then I'd go home and think about killing myself because I "suck at life". Since I started taking the meds I don't feel the anxiety anymore and I haven't been suicidal for a long time.

Now tell me. Have they not done extreme good for me?? Taking a pill once a day is NOTHING like smoking crack or doing heroine.

Yes you CAN abuse medications. You can also abuse knives and guns. But they do good. And most people don't abuse them.

Think of someone with schizophrenia. I'm pretty sure they NEED their meds to function as a regular human being. My cousin has severe ADHD. When he takes his meds he becomes way more normal than he otherwise would be.

Medications do people good. There's no arguing that. Street drugs almost always end badly. There's no arguing that.

me too,


Well-known member
They also lived without vaccinations and medical treatment - many of them died.

Gee, I've never heard of anyone dying from a lack of Prozac or Xanax for that matter.

If drugs can save your life in a matter of life and death then that's great, but that wasn't exactly my point.


Well-known member
^^Meds can stop you from being in a way they do save lives :)

If you're suicidal in the first place you have bigger issues that can't be fixed by taking a pill. Sure the pill can temporarily calm you down, but you can't just go around hopped up on drugs for the rest of your life.

I guess my point is that taking pills because you are sad, nervous or have a headache or whatever because you want to feel better is unnecessary. There are better ways of dealing with these problems than being doped up on all kinds of funky chemicals with various side effects.


Well-known member
Gee, I've never heard of anyone dying from a lack of Prozac or Xanax for that matter.
Ajuna said:
People have lived without drugs for centuries. I don't really understand how some people MUST HAVE drugs?

Well you said drugs. Obviously prozac and xanax aren't the only drugs :rolleyes:

If drugs can save your life in a matter of life and death then that's great, but that wasn't exactly my point.

So where do you draw the line? Drugs should only be taken in life or death situations? What if someone's in severe pain but they're in no danger of dying? My point is that drugs are useful in some circumstances. But as I said, I do think drugs are being prescribed far too often, especially for social anxiety and depression.


Well-known member
If you're suicidal in the first place you have bigger issues that can't be fixed by taking a pill. Sure the pill can temporarily calm you down, but you can't just go around hopped up on drugs for the rest of your life.

I guess my point is that taking pills because you are sad, nervous or have a headache or whatever because you want to feel better is unnecessary. There are better ways of dealing with these problems than being doped up on all kinds of funky chemicals with various side effects.

You should do some research on the brain and its chemicals. Some people's brain just don't produce enough seratonin and there's little you can do about it except for taking medication. When people have bad anxiety for years and years, it also messes with the brain's ability to make serotonin.

As for the whole we didn't have this kind of medicine hundreds of years ago and people survived, that's really not true. People with mental disorders were put in institutions or prisons. People did that because they didn't have an understanding of how our brain's work, and what's really going on in people's heads who have mental illnesses. People died earlier because of the lack of medications, and many people were merely considered possessed or evil and killed for having mental illnesses. Are you saying we should go back to that?


Well-known member
They also lived without vaccinations and medical treatment - many of them died. But I do agree that we live in the era of the magic pill, the quick fix. A shitload of "feel good" drugs are being prescribed today, simply because people don't want to feel any discomfort whatsoever. The result of this is a generation of apathetic, lazy, underachievers.

This is exactly what i am trying to me when someone gives a pill if you are unhappy or have means that they are looking for a QUICK FIX rather than LOOKING FOR THE PROBLEM AND THE CAUSE!!!...This medications won't really fix it and may have really bad side effects and then....some people become addictive to it...just like people become addictive to "illegal drugs". Also people fail to realize that the pharma drug industry is a BILLION DOLLAR MARKET. For those that are saying that i sound like a Scientology no i am not a scientologist..but to me this whole "you are unhappy take the red pill thing...doens't sound right to me". People complain so much about "illega"l drugs but a lot of people ABUSE the so called "legal drugs".

To me there is no difference......between "legal drugs" and "illegal drugs"...THEY ARE BOTH DRUGS one is approved and the other isn't. They both leave a lot of money.....they both make people "feel good".


Well-known member
To me there is no difference......between "legal drugs" and "illegal drugs"...THEY ARE BOTH DRUGS one is approved and the other isn't. They both leave a lot of money.....they both make people "feel good".

That's like saying there's no difference between a bird and a fish because they both have eyes, they both lay eggs, and people keep them as pets.