Worst Habits?


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Probably a thread on here already about this, but I didn't see one and I was curious.
Mine is definitely burning bridges with people to easily. :rolleyes:
Yours? :D


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As a kid I used to get called Noddy due to me nodding my head almost all the time.
It wasn't like a yes I agree kind of nod but a deliberate spasm like nod.


Well-known member
It went away when I developed a new habit. I started flicking my head as if my hair was in my eyes
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Nervous laughter in an attempt to break the awkwardness

Checking my phone 30 times per minute

Coughing when I don't need to cough

There's more, probably some I don't even notice.
I'm ashamed to say but my android is attached to my arm constantly. I will reference search everything as it comes up throughout the day. It has become my brain extension. And yes I know people find it very annoying but I find it empowering plus I can check in and out here wherever I am.


Well-known member
I'm ashamed to say but my android is attached to my arm constantly. I will reference search everything as it comes up throughout the day. It has become my brain extension. And yes I know people find it very annoying but I find it empowering plus I can check in and out here wherever I am.

Ditto. It drives my wife mad especialy when we are out. If someone is talking to me I don't here them .

In fact I'm using it now to browse SPW


Well-known member
I pick my teeth after I've eaten.
I don't do it in public but on the off chance, someone has seen me- they make me feel like I'm a criminal for putting my finger in my own mouth.

...I guess I should carry around tooth picks 24/7?


Well-known member
I have a tendency to open up to people to easily, which has the effect of scaring them away when I tell them about all the sick s**t I've been through.

I tend to get overexcited about stuff, setting myself up for a disappointment when things doesn't live up to my expectations.

I spend way to much time on the internet, checking forums and e-mails every 5 minutes.

I spend to much time sitting on my ass, instead of doing important stuff like house work.

I eat to much junk food when I should be keeping to my diet.

I bite my fingernails.


Well-known member
I tend to get overexcited about stuff, setting myself up for a disappointment when things doesn't live up to my expectations.

I spend way to much time on the internet, checking forums and e-mails every 5 minutes.

I spend to much time sitting on my ass, instead of doing important stuff like house work.

I bite my fingernails.

:eek: Did you read my mind?
I can relate completely with those.


Well-known member
Bad habits.. hmmm I tend to pick fights with the wrong kind of people.. and I start something but don't Finnish it, I really have to break that habit.


Well-known member
My addiction to internet. Im in physical pain if theres no connection or smth. Id literally cease to exist without it.

I put things to heart too easily, which makes me vulnerable to getting hurt.
I split my split ends. It calms me down, and I find them fascinating. Haha. <------------let's avoid the weirdo.
Apparentally it's a sign of OCD,which makes sense.