

what stops me going out and chatting at a party
why do i worry that people think i am a freak
why do i crumble at the thought of work
why do i think my other half pitys me
why do people think i am weard
why do people think i am rude
why cant i deal with not being perfect
why do i feel weak
why do i think the doc is not helping but laughing
why do i treat my dog like a human
why do i have nothing to say but plenty to say
why do i think people are selfish and bad
why do i think i gonna die young
why do i get emotional when i see children suffering
why do i dispise people
why do i alwys say the wrong thing
why do people think i am thick
why is everyone cleverer than me
why are people so stupid and thick
why do i feel odd
why are quacks so weard and mostly useless
why do i think they think there nothing wrong
how do i know there is something watching over me
why havnt i got a perfect body
why do i always feel tired
why do i love talking to people like me
why can i never find an answere
why cant i read for long
why do i get bored so easily
how can i like someone one day and dislike the next
why do i think i could do much better
why do i constantly think who am i
why am i like a piece of jigsaw that doesnt fit in
why dont i go to the gym
why dont i go on a diet
why cant i find work
why am i so immature
why cant i cope
why am i embarressed of myself
how can i change my opinion on things day to day
why am i so bloody odd
why why why:eek:


Well-known member
The answer is you IMO. It's what stopped me, now i'm doing more and more of it. Try less thinking about what you think of yourself, and more of doing what you want to do.