Why Low self esteem?


Well-known member
Low self esteem is the reason for social anxiety. But i don't think its hereditory or induced by elders. It's rather our way of thinking. We judge things wrongly. When somebody shouts, we feel it's because of us and get sad. We judge ourselves too much and are unaware of reality. Now the question is how to know the facts? By becoming aware...so far i learned patience, loving kindness towards our mistakes and a program to see the reality from deep within, i.e, experience the reality can really have curing effects. I am learning the breath meditation taught by Buddha where in u get the opportunity to see the realities of body n mind at a grosser level. I joined this group and was wondering how many of us live with parents or depend on others. I think if we can start from working on our own needs, not taking others help can be benefecial. Silence is another factor, it cuts the acting that we put on. I'm planning to go to vipassana centre at my place n work their as a gardener or something till i get some maturity. Understanding that being perfect is impossible. All these things come up when we see things clearly. Not at intellectual level, but at emotional level. If we can solve this jigsaw, we will be happy. Many people have overcome panic disorders who have lot of similar symptoms of low self-esteem have cured themselves by following mindfulness meditation. All the other programs seem like a pocket rip-off. Lindens claims he has 87% success which i think is bs cos all he talks abt is diversion which in my 6 yrs of SP never helped, instead thats one of the reasons for increase in anxiety.
You shud read bronwyn fox's recovery story.
P.S: SOME people claim to have high self esteem which cuold be just a show off. In reality SP is caused when we try to put up an act instead of being us. chrislookscute , u might be cute but u also want people to notice u and have a crush on you which isn't high self esteem. Your image is based on what others think of u. And acting like a tom cruise is against nature. And my dear friend nature has its own law of giving it back when u go against. So understand this and go with natural law. I know i know all this knowledge at intellectual level by reading..but my dear friends , to gain this insight at experietial level is a difficult story. May God be with us sensitive souls.