why is it that GUYS have to seduce?


I thought that was a feminine thing.

How does a guy seduce? I thought it was the females job to seduce. The guy just has to be knowledgeable and strong right?


Well-known member
If you like. But being bitter about the idea and deciding that 'women should do the seducing' is a bit strong, I think.

'The feminine thing' is to get on with life and most of the time not be preoccupied with the fact we're female. Sorry to disappoint you, but our identities aren't primarily on, 'oh, I'm female, I'd better make sure I've got my red lipstick on'.

Sorry if that's a bit strong, but that's how I feel in response to the OP.


ok. yea I know it might be kinda scary for a girl to approach. but if you're sure of yourself, why not? if there is nothing really to fear why not?


Well-known member
We can be rejected too, you know. It happens. And I wonder if there's a scarcity power issue at work: since it's assumed that girls are the honeypots waiting to be plundered, if she's the one chasing him, could it be construed that there's something wrong with her?

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
It's a man's job to lead women through the stages of seduction and most women greatly enjoy being led. You can be knowledgeable and strong, but if you don't use your knowledge and strength to progress the interaction, you will generally come across as boring and unattractive to most women.


Well-known member
Just look at any other mammal. The dominant males are sexually active. That's just the way it is man. Jay is right, you have to lead.