Why do some people think blushing is cute/attractive?


Well-known member
I just looked it up on google and found some stuff on yahoo, but I need more perspective than the few replies I saw on that.
I don't see how anyone can think it looks good. I hAte when I blush, and I blush quite alot (it's got alot of triggers, which is probably why it happens so frequently); I'm neutral on others blushing but I'm glad to see that I'm not by myself when I do see others blush.
For those of you who think blushing is cute or whatever, why do you?
Has anyone ever been told by someone that they're cute, etc when they blush, and then the person said why? What reason/reasons did they give?


Well-known member
well i've heard people say to me when they compliment me or something "aww she's blushing!" and they laugh and such. they dont say why or anything though. i guess i blush a lot but dont notice when i do or if i do.


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Maybe, same reason why women put on blush: blush makes their cheeks rosier, adds a bit more color to their face and makes them look healthier (compared to looking like a ghost).


Well-known member
I would assume that it has something to do with the fact that, when we blush, we show vulnerability and innocence(?); we're showing the person that made us blush that they have an effect on us. That they have an effect on us gives them a boost in self-esteem. All that and we've been shown in TV shows that people who blush are "demure and modest", which are good qualities people like to see:).

I, for one, have been on both sides of the spectrum: I've blushed and people have teased me about it and I do adore it when I see girls blush:D.


Well-known member
well, when I blush my whole face reddens. so I guess maybe whoever like it just likes the person's cheeks turning red for a bit.
my face is naturally a sort of light red in regular times, in addition to my normal face skin color (normal besides red), which doesn't help.
and just thinking about blushing makes me blush some *'_'*


Well-known member
DeadmanWalking, do you like other girls blushing for any of the reasons you stated above or different ones?

Explaining why I do would require a level of intelligence that I currently lack:lol:. But, what I can say is that my liking a blushing girl is like something that's hardwired into me; I can't explain how it is, it simply is. Then again, I've never made a woman blush before in my life, so I just lost my credibility:giggle:. I would guess that a woman blushing because of me would make me feel better because I know that my words have an effect on her and that she cares about what I think of her.


Well-known member
my ex wife thought it was adorable that my ears turned red whenever i became sexually aroused

unless, of course, i happened to be looking at another woman at the time


I'd assume it is somewhat cute when someone is blushing due to dating/flirting. It usually means you have said something that is flattering or exciting to them. Except when you're someone like me and almost anything turns your face into the color of a tomato. Then that is not so cute. It's one thing when your face turns red due to a compliment or something embarrassing. It is a whole other story when you can't even say hi/make eye contact without it happening.
It is adorable!!! I suppose its a form of unintended communication. The blushee is betrayed by their capillaries.

I appreciate its mortifying for those experiencing it. In my experience, it improves with age.


Well-known member
i hate it when i blush but sometimes when i see other people blush i find it really cute, not entirely sure why i find it cute but if i was to guess its because its a side of them they want to show you but they try not to


Well-known member
so it's just the unintentional revelation of their feelings that folks like... i'd better get a paper mask then. or rather, and much funner, face paint!!!! some day i WILL be face-painted as spiderman!!


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Blushing to the average person is not a problem and shows a soft inner core, shyness, innocence, caring, etc, so it can go alongside good qualities.

However for a minority group, blushing became overactive to a point of social anxiety and social phobia where the sufferer can find no quick fix and alters his/her entire lifestyle to avoid confrontation, attention, group meetings, family functions and basically anything where they would have to face others.

The non sufferer may find it cute, but as a sufferer its only as "cute" as depression, aggoraphobia, panic attacks, and any other social anxiety based problem.