why do people ask me if i ever talk?


That tends to wind me up a bit. I was stuck with a <new> bunch of mates yesterday, and didn't ask me that, but I can tell it's pending... it's in the air... someone would be thinking of bringing the issue - 'why don't you speak?' - it's because they haven't got anything to talk about either.

I'd have something to say if anyone else did!

Conversation is not our favourite activity, is it? What's wrong with that? Not EVERYONE loves swordswallowing! If you meet a stranger in the street, would you ask them: "why aren't you doing some swordswallowing?"

The vast majority of humans beings on the planet are heavily addicted to mouthflapping. I'm just not. I'd rather browse an art gallery, or listen to some loud music


Active member
I use to be just as quiet. I would get similar questions. Then I made a conscious effort to talk to people. At first I didn't know what to say, but I learned.


Well-known member
Because they simply don't understand the meaning of "social phobia".

People always ask me the same thing. They'll be like "how is it humanely possible for a person to be so quiet?" - Seriously, what the hell do you care? I'm just a naturally quiet person. I can't help it if I'm not an obnoxious little chatterbox like most other people my age. Does it really bother people that much to be different?? I mean seriously, why can't people get it into their thick f*****g heads that not everyone in this world has the capability to easily adjust to the public and be able to approach others and talk to them like they've known them all their life or something even if they're complete strangers. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

People have the nerve to call me "weird" simply because I'm quiet when to me it seems like they're the weird ones for being able to magically talk to every single person they run into and relish in the spotlight like it's no big deal. I guess some people just really love having all eyes on them while others like me abhor it.

Phew.. wow. Sorry about that little fit I had there... I can't help but get really worked up just thinking about people's inconsideration towards the antisocial population.

Yeah.. I've been labeled "the quietest person ever" a few times. The thing is I'm only quiet when I'm not really comfortable with certain people, or feel left out, or feel like everything I say has to be forced.

And aha, that whole thing is true. We're the weird ones? Really now?

People will never understand us, and we will never understand people :\


New member
I dislike this question. I never really know how to respond, so I end up being ultra sarcastic and making myself look like an @&&....but the funny thing is, this only happens when Im with groups of friends or friends of friends.

when im with complete strangers, its easy to make small talk. I actually entertain myself with it. Its funny to see how often people give you the same response. I guess I have problems once it comes to filling the air with "girl talk" or whatever other nonsense is supposed to fill the gap.

I once asked my boyfriend why I didnt have any girlfriends, and he specifcally said because you dont talk like a girl... :/

so apparently you need to do things that make you feel uncomfortable to have and keep friends? I dont think so. If thats what it takes to make one "normal" count me out. they can keep asking.

OMG ur soooo quiet. T_T


Well-known member
when im with complete strangers, its easy to make small talk. I actually entertain myself with it. Its funny to see how often people give you the same response. I guess I have problems once it comes to filling the air with "girl talk" or whatever other nonsense is supposed to fill the gap.

As shy and awkward as I am, I can relate. When strangers make small talk I mean...
"Whats up? Oh not much"
"I'm good, how bout you?"
etc. etc.
And then the only topic, pathetically, that I can find to talk about is school. Even when it's summer time. I don't even like school. I guess it's the only obvious similarities, which is why some people choose that topic?


Well-known member
As shy and awkward as I am, I can relate. When strangers make small talk I mean...
"Whats up? Oh not much"
"I'm good, how bout you?"
etc. etc.
And then the only topic, pathetically, that I can find to talk about is school. Even when it's summer time. I don't even like school. I guess it's the only obvious similarities, which is why some people choose that topic?

I can relate. small talk is certainly not my strength at all.


Well-known member
I've pretty much the same problem too.I kinda suck at girl talk.
Like once I was at my friend's house & she was talking to her other friends about these sort of things.I didn't feel like talking & decided to hang back & listen then out of nowhere my friend commented "Oh my God!you're soo boring,no wonder people call you lame ."It was so humiliating that I almost had tears in my eyes.Its really unfair,like I'm being jugded for simply not being interested in a certain thing,annoys the hell outta me....
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