Why are people so quick to correct others mistakes


Well-known member
Criticism can be brought without ego, its just that not many people have mastered this. A lot of people truly let their ego get in the way and use knowledge as a way to affirm themselves as superior or smarter.

Completely agree. You can correct others without putting yourself above them or causing pain, but its really is a artform and takes some sensitivity. Something in my brain always tells me that I can't hurt others so I'm always sooo careful when correcting. The only time I correct is when I can do it without any form of ego. If I can't, then I don't bother. To me it seems like such a big thing, but everyone I know around me loves the opportunity to correct to affirm themselves. Where I live, everyone is a know-it-all and it can drive me crazy sometimes.


New member
Damn this happens to me ALL the time. I have some sick people who I deal with. LOL I believe it is insecurity and they see me as an easy target since I'm not good at responding to people and THEY see that. I have to people who do that in PUBLIC with other people around so they can seem better. That is one of the reason why I don't go out with people although I want to. And to me the ARE quick to correct me. VERY quick! It's weird how that is.


not actually Fiona Apple
I have a tendancy to correct people, or at least an urge to do so (I usually keep to myself, correction is difficult without talking ::p:). One part of it certainly is ego, I like to feel smart and knowing things other people do not makes me feel smart. Not really a valid assessment of intelligence though, since for example I will often see typos of others and want to fix them, while I myself have terrible spelling and grammar skills and make errors in my speech all the time. I never am wanting to make other people feel stupid though, just me feel and seem smart I think. I don't think people are stupid for making mistakes or not knowing things either, it just opens the door for me to show something I do know. Honestly I usually have no idea what I'm talking about anyway ::p: It is a bad habit I have though and most people will probably tell you it's something about me they find annoying.

That is more about factual type things though, on a more debate/opinion side of things I tend to be argumentative certainly but not in an "I'm right you're wrong way." I do like...love to argue (another bad quality!) as you would imagine a once philosophy major would, but often I'll play the devil's advocate to an issue just to show it has another side. When arguing it's pointless to try to sway people anyway 99% of the time they are stubbornly set in their ways, I just like to argue :ironicsmile: Or not argue as much as show error in arguments. I may agree but don't really know precisely why or feel the argument is strong enough to be universally accepted. You should always know the weaknesses in your arguments, as well as the argument of the opposing view(which should strengthen your belief). Almost every strain of thinking has a flaw somewhere, "correcting" someone's opinion for that reason seems outrageously silly to me, since there are no "right" or "wrong" answers.