why are lifes pleasures so difficult to attain for a social phobic?


All I ask out of life are 3 things:

1.A decent independent living
2.a well paying job

its frustrating that with my battles with SA i can only get so much out of life. I dont exactly hate my life i just hate the situations i have been dealt with. The older I get the more frustrating it gets.


Well-known member
I understand that feeling. I have a few friends but the other things have always escaped me. I also find that it gets more fustrating as I get older. We just have to keep trying.


Well-known member
Yes those three things are the only things I really want honestly.

I know how you feel mate same here. I have Lots of friends, I will get a well paid job. It's just I can't get a relationship. Destined to be lonely forever :/


Well-known member
With a relationship i'm not even going to try... I'm just gonna pray something happens naturally. We all can live in hope!


Well-known member
All I ask out of life are 3 things:

1.A decent independent living
2.a well paying job

its frustrating that with my battles with SA i can only get so much out of life. I dont exactly hate my life i just hate the situations i have been dealt with. The older I get the more frustrating it gets.

I've got to disagree with some of these things always being pleasures. For one thing, an independent living has it's perks, but in many of our situations an independent living is lonely. Like in my situation, I will be on my own hopefully, but the downside of that is that I won't be living with anyone, and I don't hang out with friends right now so I'd be lonelier in my own apartment than my parent's house. Independency is better, but for SAD people there is the downfall of total isolation.

A well-paying job is a good goal to shoot for. Money=security. But again, as far as pleasure goes, a full-time gig at almost any job is very depressing for me, and I know that many other people don't love to work either. On my last job I had, I learned that just because you are making money doesn't mean you'll be happy. Money doesn't always = happiness. I've found that I'm depressed whether I have a job or not. In fact, some jobs I've had made more depressed and I actually started to really hate my life.

As for friends and relationships, I know most people can only benefit from these encounters. But as for me, and I'm sure some other SAD people, these encounters with friends can be horrible. Yes, I had some great times with friends, but I had more bad times than good times. It mostly consisted of me sitting there bored out of mind as my friends talked amongst themselves about meaningless babble that I could care less about all the while leaving the shy kid(me) out of the conversation. That's not pleasureful, that just sucked. And then you have to deal with drama with friends too, same with relationships. Arguments, ugh. There are big downsides to both friends and relationships for people with SAD or even people without SAD.

I think the so-called "pleasures" of life are overrated. I think many people think the grass is greener on the other side when it really isn't.