Why are girls hard to talk to?


Well-known member
That sounds like a good point, in my case it is probably a combo of shyness and fear of rejection.


Well-known member
I have a major fear of rejection and self-confidence issues...how can you believe others like you if you don't like yourself in relation to them? It's much easier to like myself alone.

The guy I like actually gave me a go...he'd say hi, stop to try and chat, but I could never search my brain fast enough for coherent let alone interesting things to reciprocate. He'd correct me on my nervous pronounciation mistakes, told me I needed to learn how to keep up :S and has been distant ever since. I can get depressed over such incidents thus become lethargic. You just lose the energy and excitement to want to go out and try new interactions because each criticism affects and drains you so intensely, you start to think you are too deeply ingrained within the pattern to break out of it and lose hope;

He's way too popular and adventurous to stay occupied with one fruitless pursuit for too long anyway, needed someone who could surprise and challenge him frequently, keep him on his toes.

Before SA got worse I didn't have any guy friends anyway but I guess it matters more now because I'm going through adolescence, its amplified limerence... >.<

I'm somewhat desensitised to the fear of growing old alone though, the internet can be sufficient at least. I'm so used to it, it's become second nature-inevitable to accept, just like all transience.


Think it's low selfconfidence, shyness, SA... I have problems talking to anybody (really talking, having fun) exept close friends. One on one situations are especially hard


Well-known member
Why are GUYS so hard to talk to???
The same thing happens to me whenever I like a guy.
I'll actually get the courage to walk towards them and once they see me approaching I'll act like I was just passing by randomly, keep walking, and disappear like I always do :(


Active member
So when ever I like a girl I want to talk to her but when I see her I get too scared and I can't talk to her. I always feel like I will be rejected by her.

Hi Dodger,

That's because it's all in your mind. Try to be more confident and imagine that you're able to talk to her calmly. Rehearse what you're going to say to her first, so that when that time comes when you see her again, it will be easier. Just smile and be relaxed.

Good luck


Well-known member
Well it's the same thing with girls - we get shy or intimidated around the guys we like and in the end we chicken out because we feel like we'll be rejected too.


Well-known member

Personally, I think cause are all a little scared to get rejected, and while in the end it hurts if we do get rejected, but it's a learning process and "very normal." This can go for either guys or gals. Granted, I'm in the same boat, but I've learned to some degree, you'll got to let it go, and try or try again with someone else. While, I do admit it's easier said than done, but it's the best perspective to look at, IMO.