Why are girls hard to talk to?


Well-known member
SleepingBeauty said:
Kien said:
Guys are not hard to talk to. But it's widely known that many boys has troubles talking to girls. :p

I cant believe you said that

He's known for making mass, usually totally wrong, generalizations :wink:


Well-known member
All righty, then, question for the ladies: What's hard about talking to guys? (Besides the usual anxiety/shyness stuff. We all get that.)

coriander1992 said:
He's known for making mass, usually totally wrong, generalizations :wink:

75% of all generalizations are false.


Well-known member
i don't think that's a girls/guys thing, shy people is hard to talk...

One day i was sit on one of those banks in the street, then i girl came out of the blue , sat by my side and started to chat with me - she was just amazing, she was very pretty, but what was more impressive was her sympathy, it made me feel like...WOW!... You know what i did? absolutelly nothing, i don't even asked her name - she needed to ask mine! - i wasn't rude in anyway (i would never be) but i couldn't keep her interested because i was so afraid to speak... She probably left thinking that i was such a jerk!

So that works both ways - I don't have the guts to say hello to that interesting girl that passes by me everyday, and if some girl talks to me i just "turn my brain off".

(sorry i always end up with this long stories about myself -.- )

But i have to take the boys side :p
Girls, it's easier for you... because we men have to ask for the dates and we men have to win your hearts... and i'm so ashamed just to say it:oops:


Active member
i realy think it depends on the personality of the girl you are gonna chat to.

i personally would feel more comfortable around guys who are that bit more shy, i think its really endearing. plus it means they are similar to myself in terms of confidence.

if guys are very forward, i run the other way!


Well-known member
_Brittany_ said:
Why are guys so hard to talk to?


Yeah, i second that. There's this guy i like at school - but even the thought of talking to him is enough to send me to the depths of anxiety hell. I also find that guys in general are very openly judgemental when you talk to them - meaning it's obvious in their face, their attitude towards you, their tone of voice. It's very off-putting. I know girls are judgemental when you talk to them, but the vast majority at least have the decency not to make it glaringly obvious if they dislike you when you talk to them.

It's strange because when i was younger i had more friends who were boys than girls. I was a real tomboy. The only girl on the school football team. The only girl who would wear a green jumper instead of a pink one. The only girl who played with her brothers army men etc. But you hit the dreaded puberty and all that stuff disappears. I started to feel self-concious about being on a rugby team that was all boys except me, and i developed an interest in skirts and high heels as apposed to living in trainer and ripped jeans. And i found that i couldn't talk to guys anymore!


Well-known member
So I guess it is hard for all of us to talk to people of the opposite sex. I wish I could figure out where shy girls hang out.


Well-known member
Kien said:
Girls don't like nice or shy guys.

Oh yes they do. Not all girls are into showy confident guys. Some girls are really attracted to quiet guys.

To the original poster - I think the trick is not expecting too much from it. Get to know her at your own pace, but don't expect any big results. Sometimes it can take a girl a while to work out if she likes someone. At least that's what my friends tell me.


Well-known member
Dodger said:
So I guess it is hard for all of us to talk to people of the opposite sex. I wish I could figure out where shy girls hang out.
That's an interresting question.


There is a girl i have a huge crush on at work. She walks passed me all the time and always looks bored. Sometimes she looks at me and it is so nerve-racking. So yeah girls are hard to talk to. :(


Well-known member
Kien said:
Girls are all the same! :D They are all evil and strange!

You've seriously been hanging out with the wrong girls. The kind of girls you are interested in are the ones who appear attractive, but have nothing on the inside.

The second you look beyond looks alone you'll find some great girls.


I usually find girls that I find attractive the hardest to talk to.

It's the fact that I feel like I have to watch what I have to say to them and act towards them because I want them to notice me.

But that never really goes as planned :lol:
Eledee said:
if guys are very forward, i run the other way!

In other words: if they don't run away, you do.

I agree though. If anyone has the nerve to talk to me, I know they're too outgoing for me... and if they don't, we pass silently.


Well-known member
Actually I think it works both ways.

A person may feel making contact or carrying on a conversation with a member of the opposite sex can be a difficult endeavour.

personally, I think this is a result of bad self-esteem.

A shy person that might perceive that their own appearance (Behaviour and/or purely looks) somehow does not meet the standard of a specific individual that they are romantically interested in, but have not yet made contact with.

Some fear the possibility or rejection while others may experience unspecified shyness.

I'm thinking this can potentially develop into something worse if it persists over a longer period of time and is never dealt with.