Why am i so @#$&ed in the head?


From looking at this picture of myself (below under Scar Symmetry, I changed my name). Is anyone surprised I never had a girlfriend and I'm 20?


Active member
I don't think you look ugly. The reason you have never had a girlfriend is probably because of your social anxiety....not your looks.


in the same boat mate, i'm 20 and I've never had a girlfriend :(
And its not that I want one to just fit in with the crowd anymore, I just want somebody I can feel close to...


My situation is that I find it even harder to talk to girls than other guys. I have some friends that are girls but the friendships I have with them are really underdeveloped. I don't want to do that whole bar pickup thing ay.

What do you mean by style of dress? What I dress like?


Well-known member
I think what IcarusUnderWater means that you can't expect to attract a women if you are scruffy or untidy. There are loads of things that you could do to improve your confidence and attract a women such as working out, smelling good, clean shaven, neat haircut.

From your photograph you just look like a normal bloke to me. Please do not take what I have said above as criticism. I am just generalising what women go for. You need to make and effort to look good and also to be confident. You can't expect to meet women if you don't make an effort.

Again, I don't know you and this is not criticism - I am just trying to help. You have to keep working at it and don't give up.


IcarusUnderWater said:
xScarSymmetryx said:

You could get a girl easy if you got out there and put yourself in the situations.

Whats your situation?? And what style of dress do you go for?

My bad, sorry for the confusion, for some reason I thought you were asking me. :oops:


Well-known member
you're just average dude. accept it, work with it. even the most fucked up, untidy, scruffy, asshole dudes STILL get chicks. that's not a putdown to you, though. all you have to do is assert yourself