who here belives in


Well-known member
Reincarnation , now years ago i watched this tv program about some woman who was hypnotised , she was just a normal american woman , 2 kids normal life ect ect but when she was hypnotised she started speaking FLUENT russian they were putting her under deep Hypnosis , they didnt understand what the hell she was saying but recorded it , it turns out she was a russian girl really poor and died in 1898 or something like that :eek: she had no education so she had no means of learning the russian language , and after a longggggggg probe into her life , experts said it was unexplainable ... weird or wot ....
Reincarnation , now years ago i watched this tv program about some woman who was hypnotised , she was just a normal american woman , 2 kids normal life ect ect but when she was hypnotised she started speaking FLUENT russian they were putting her under deep Hypnosis , they didnt understand what the hell she was saying but recorded it , it turns out she was a russian girl really poor and died in 1898 or something like that :eek: she had no education so she had no means of learning the russian language , and after a longggggggg probe into her life , experts said it was unexplainable ... weird or wot ....

You have a link?


Well-known member
hmmm looked online but cant find it dammn , but it was on tv years ago no proof but hmmm


Well-known member
I have another crazy theory.

Our brains (We apparently only understand 10% of how they work)actually know EVERYTHING. And when we learn "new" things we actually already know them but they come out of our "sub"subconscious. That's why I think things like deja vu happen and the thing about the langauge. It has accidently triggered. I think our brains actually know every single thing there is to know and it's just remembering things we learn it comes out of the "sub"subconsciousness.

Told you it was crazy. I probably didn't make any sense did I?


I do believe all crazy things. There is so much beyond what we know. I think reincarnation or something like this is quite possible. I can't know for sure, but I can't deny it either, noone can.


I was raised as a Christian and we are taught that no such thing exists... However, when I was young, like 5, I had reoccuring dreams that were more like memories where I witnessed someone get murdered. Everything was as if it were the early 1900's. I was in a warehouse by a river, like on a shipping dock. I was walking inside the warehouse and it was very dark except one window above me had a light on. I looked up in the window and saw a women get strangled. I ran frantically, but ran into heavy boxes and fell. Some heavy crates in the warehouse fell on top of me. That's all I remember. Maybe it was just a silly reoccuring dream, but odd for a 5 year old to dream... Maybe life is one big circle of time and when we are still very young, like 5. The memory of the past life is still with us for a while until we get settled into this lifetime.... Just a theory...


I was raised as a Christian and we are taught that no such thing exists... However, when I was young, like 5, I had reoccuring dreams that were more like memories where I witnessed someone get murdered. Everything was as if it were the early 1900's. I was in a warehouse by a river, like on a shipping dock. I was walking inside the warehouse and it was very dark except one window above me had a light on. I looked up in the window and saw a women get strangled. I ran frantically, but ran into heavy boxes and fell. Some heavy crates in the warehouse fell on top of me. That's all I remember. Maybe it was just a silly reoccuring dream, but odd for a 5 year old to dream... Maybe life is one big circle of time and when we are still very young, like 5. The memory of the past life is still with us for a while until we get settled into this lifetime.... Just a theory...

It could have been just a dream, or it could be a real memory of past life, or maybe our brain is capable of reading some pieces of collective unconscious.. who knows.