who else here ..


Well-known member
finds it hard to just relax , me i cant relax like read a book watch tv for to long , im just like board all the time , so i weightlift , run , just do anything but sit on my asse , its like i cant sit still for to long , iv always got to be doing something ... sometimes i get up at 3 in the morning and start pumping weights till i feel tired , or like tonight drinking .. well it is fri night feeble excuse :rolleyes: just cant just ...... relax and do not a lot or nothing ..


Well-known member
Depression keeps me horizontal most days that I don't have school... Lack of a friend or someone to do things with, keeps me in the house. I hate doing things by myself...


Well-known member
i go though periods of that put most of the time i can sit down and relax watching my fav tv shows or i can get stuck in a book for hours or listening to music but i know what its like. It generally happens when i'm really depressed


Well-known member
i have a hard time relaxing too...I think because lately all I've been doing is relaxing. I need to do more housework so I appreciate being able to sit down more than I do now


Well-known member
I feel exactly the same way that's why i either go to work, workout at gym , or play like 7-10 games of John Madden Football 7-10x per day (each game takes an hour). I've always got to be doing something i'm bored all the time. I'm deff one of those high motor type of guys.


Well-known member
I cant ever relax. Im always stressed about the things I cant seem to change. Also because I often feel like im wasting my life.


Well-known member
I can't relax either. I'm never really at peace. There always seems to be too much going on in my head. I find it hard to watch a full tv programme without doing something else at the same time like browsing the internet or listening to music. I have only a short tolerance of things before I have to move. I suppose it has something to do with anxiety and adrenaline.
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Well-known member
I cant ever relax. Im always stressed about the things I cant seem to change. Also because I often feel like im wasting my life.

Wow, this is good. This is it. This is how I feel. I'm stressed out about all the BS in my life and all the insecurities I have. And it prevents (atleast makes it harder for) me from getting off my ass and doing something productive or hanging out with friends and being out in the world. Then I feel super anxious and uptight because I'm wasting all my time/life in the house doing nothing by myself on this stupid computer. So here I sit anxious, by myself, feeling lonely, and unable to relax. FACK!!!
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