When I was a young boy, I was constantly bullied by other kids, and even adults, because I was labeled as "different", although at that time I did not know what was so different about me.
These were the words, more or less as I remember them from the past, which made me feel different from other people over the years:
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"Talk like a man!"
"Stop crying!"
"You walk like a girl!"
"You are a faggot!"
"I would date you only you were not so ugly!"
"You look like Frankenstein."
"You are stupid!"
"You just don't have a personality like everybody else."
I am older now, and nobody calls me names anymore. But these words are embedded in my mind, the feelings evoked by these words still echoes inside, haunting me. That is why, I believe, I question my being, my personality, and my sense of identity. Over the years, with so much negativism and hurt, I was bound to look for another me, a different me, one that would please others and silence the criticism. In the process...I may have become what others may wanted me to become, and not who I should be. I am not sure anymore and I struggle with this...
These were the words, more or less as I remember them from the past, which made me feel different from other people over the years:
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"Talk like a man!"
"Stop crying!"
"You walk like a girl!"
"You are a faggot!"
"I would date you only you were not so ugly!"
"You look like Frankenstein."
"You are stupid!"
"You just don't have a personality like everybody else."
I am older now, and nobody calls me names anymore. But these words are embedded in my mind, the feelings evoked by these words still echoes inside, haunting me. That is why, I believe, I question my being, my personality, and my sense of identity. Over the years, with so much negativism and hurt, I was bound to look for another me, a different me, one that would please others and silence the criticism. In the process...I may have become what others may wanted me to become, and not who I should be. I am not sure anymore and I struggle with this...