Where would you like to travel?


Well-known member
I've traveled a lot. I'd really like to go to Australia next. I also want to travel around India -- I was there in college but mainly just in two northern cities.


I'm thinking of going to Italy or Scandinavia soon. Maybe September. Just not decided which. Japan would be awesome to explore. Eastern Europe seems really fascinating. I want to go somewhere with a really different culture to the UK
I was thinking, I could still post in here - just imagine not having the SA that is stopping me from wanting to travel overseas.

So, IF I did not have SA, I would love to travel to New York.
I have seen different parts of it featured in many big, famous movies. I would just love to see and experience those parts of it myself.
Things like a ride in an American yellow taxi cab, stay in some of the Hotels I have seen featured in several movies, and actually walk through Central Park myself. Oh! and I would love to ride on the subway!! :thumbup: