Where are you weakest at?


Well-known member
Speaking to anyone

Work (I sometimes file things that I needed help with and didn't ask about when I haven't done them, and when someone finds out about it, which they will, I'll probably deny knowing anything about it, I am trying to stop though :oops: )

Being around other people



Well-known member
Absolutely everywhere apart from on the computer, although i even get nervous chatting in a forum, i couldn't possibly use the chat/mini messenger, don't even think about speaking to me! i will i warn you just shut the box, or what ever happens. Just to let you know :wink:
i really avoid going out, i had a week off school this week, and sitting in front of the computer was all i did. It has only worsened my (self diagnosed) depression. That's another thing, how on earth does a shy person get help from a therapist, when the thought of speaking to someone about makes them terrified?


For me:
In a group of more than 3-4 people

Talking to someone who I don't know

Being put on the spot (I'm terrible at school)

When in a new environment (when I started my first job I was a nervous wreck - plus I made some very embarrassing mistakes)

Handing money over when paying for something (I get so nervous aobut doing this)

If I don't know 100% the details of something

Whole experience with buses/trains (buying ticket, if there's a spare seat for me, when to press the button etc...)

If I'm put in some kind of position of 'leadership' over people who are the same age of me (I discovered this most recently as I'm doing a sports leadership award and I had to set up an activity and explain it to my peers)

Answering the phone or door


New member
For me:

Initiating contact with girls. Ive been told Im fairly attractive so I usually get plenty of attention from females but I dont know what to do. If Im walking past a girl I dont know what to do and sometimes Ill just stare straight ahead and not even look over. I've always struggled in this area and the only way I ever met any of these girls that found me attractive was through friends pushing me to do so. Like if I see a girl and shes all by herself I'll walk right past her like i didnt see her even though I know she likes me. This is the most troubling part of shyness for me.

Public speaking in class. As soon as I know Im going to have to speak in class my heart starts pounding and right after the first word goes out of my mouth my voice starts trembling.

Joking around with people I dont know. I always take the jokes personally and i always get on the defensive.


Well-known member
Joking around with people I dont know. I always take the jokes personally and i always get on the defensive.
I do this aswell, I always think that they mean it, but laugh to cover it up, you know?


Well-known member
WHen i try to lift 1000lb then i feel pretty weak lol. ANd seriously its everything all of u said and probly some more.


Well-known member
pookie said:
For me it's TALKING
Yeah. 'Talking' online helps. If you get an opendiary, you can, well I am, be really open on there, and people read and make comments, ways to help, etc. It has made me a lot more open. Only made it at the beginning of march, and I am already noticing the difference. :wink:


Active member
My weaknesses:

talking to guys (I probably sound like a fucking moron)

being with a group of people


school (although Im homschooled, I experience 9th grade for awhile and found out how terrified I was :( )

asking for help at like a store or something

talking to people my age

i also have this weird feeling that my arms don't know where to be when

i'm walking, so they're always in my pockets. :? (ever feel like that)

applying for a new job (new enviroments scare me)

checking out of a grocery store... I hate that so much. You just stand

there not knowing what to do while everything is being rung up.

calling people


walking across streets (I'm so retarded)


Well-known member
i also have this weird feeling that my arms don't know where to be when

i'm walking, so they're always in my pockets. (ever feel like that)
I get that too. I always have my hands in my pockets, plus I don't like my hands. :?


Active member
Girls. I never had any female friends(which you hang out with, not your cousins or whatever), let alone girlfriends. A pretty girl is more intimidating tome than an audience, a whole crowd. In my mind I believe I'm being despised by them constantly, so I just act oblivious to them. Well, I don't know why I never had female friends. Wherever I go I make new friends, but only male. Quite frankly I don't care about anything else right now - my goal now is to put girls in my life. I'm in college, but I'm stuck with men(computer science).